UVU student housing proposition divided by one vote

Tight race cannot be declared until mail-in and absentee ballots counted
Proposition 5, the Orem referendum to re-zone the Palos Verdes neighborhood for student housing, is ahead for those in favor by one vote at the latest count.
Currently, the votes for the measure are standing at 7,138 while the votes against are at 7,137; however, the final count will not be announced until Nov. 20 at the latest.

This is a screenshot of Utah’s election results website currently at a standstill on Orem’s Prop 5.
If Prop 5 passes, then PEG Development can begin construction of the project immediately.
Last month, Taylor Woodbury, COO of Woodbury Corporation, and Kyle Jardine, the development manager of the project, predicted that, if the proposition passed, the development would be completed by fall 2019
Mark Tippets, organizer of Let Orem Vote and member of South West Orem Neighborhood Association (SWONA), said that he is anxiously awaiting for the final ballots to be counted.
Cameron Martin, vice president of university relations at UVU, said that the university will release an official statement on the development once the final election results are in.
Tippets said that if the proposition passes, he will move on to other projects because it will have been decided by Orem residents. He said that he will turn his attention to the Ivory Homes project, which is the proposed development of the Institute parking lot on UVU property.
He also said that he might approach the Orem City Council with an ordinance proposal that would make it easier for homeowners to rent out their basements to families or students.
Click here to see the latest updates to the ballot count, or visit:
To read more Review coverage of this issue:
Orem City Council votes to approve new student housing project
UVU board of trustees release statement regarding student housing