Police blotter

Sarah Roberts | Staff Writer | @itssarah_sr
Suspicious Persons:
Jan. 26- A male was reported to be looking in car windows with a flashlight. Police searched the area but did not locate the man.
Jan. 28- Reports were received of a suspicious man asking for money in the food court. Officers were dispatched to handle the situation.
Jan. 28- Civilians reported an unidentified person with a flashlight inside the Pioneer House after hours. Officers investigated the situation and later confirmed that the suspect was a janitor.
Jan. 31- Police responded to reports of a suspicious yellow truck driving slowly through parking lots. The truck was gone by the time officers arrived.
Civil Unrest:
Jan. 27- Protesters outside the circus were reported for causing trouble. Officers spoke with the protestors and advised them to be wary of the rules.
Criminal Mischief:
Jan. 28- A criminal incident caused minor damages to a shed.
Jan. 28- While on patrol, an officer discovered gang graffiti inside the parkway tunnel, which seemed to have been applied with a marker. The grounds team was notified and instructed to remove the graffiti.
Convenient Background Check:
Jan. 29- A man came into the police station to get a background check. He was informed he had three warrants for his arrest, and after a failed attempt to resist, was taken to jail.
Disorderly Driving:
Feb. 4- A female driver accidently cut off a male driver on 1300 s. The male retaliated by cutting off the female driver. This back and forth behavior continued as they drove until they reached Center Street, where the male got out of his car as the female bumped into it. As the male approached the female’s vehicle, she sprayed him in the face with pepper spray. The male hit the female as he was trying to block the spray. Both were cited for Disorderly Conduct.
Feb. 5- A driver hit a 7-year-old boy at a crosswalk on Geneva Road. The boy was flown to a hospital, having received serious injuries. He received surgery on his leg and is currently recovering.
Suspicious Fires:
Feb. 5- Police were dispatched to a Provo police vehicle that had been set ablaze. Officers question the origin of the fire and wonder if arson was involved.
Feb. 5- Just after attending to the police vehicle, officers found a large construction site on Orem Boulevard engulfed in flames. The fire caused some damage to some transformers, leading to power outages in the area. Due to the suspicious circumstances of the fire, the police department arson investigators are looking into the origin of the fire and possible arson suspects.