Ambassador of Austria to the UN to speak at UVU

schedule 2 min read

Carrie Laudie | News Editor | @carrielaudie

On Thursday, Feb. 12, the UVU office of International Affairs and Diplomacy will host His Excellency Martin Sajdik, ambassador of Austria to the UN. Sajdik will present a lecture titled A New Global Strategy for Sustainability: The Post-2015 development agenda of the United Nations. Will It Make a Difference? The lecture is open to the public; students, staff and faculty are encouraged to attend.

“Austria is not only one of the richest countries in the world in terms of GDP, it also plays an important role in the European Union. Austria has so far twice taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union in 1998 and 2006. We are honored to host Ambassador Sajdik at UVU and hear his insights about the euro and the European Union. UVU students will benefit tremendously from our guest’s expertise,” said Rusty Butler, associate vice president of International Affairs and Diplomacy, in a press release.

Sajdik has had a long successful career in Austria along with multiple ambassador assignments. Sajdik studied international law and international relations in Vienna, Moscow and Bologna, and received his doctorate degree in law in Vienna in 1971. He has served as ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. In 2014 Sajdik became president of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

The lecture will be held in the Sorensen Center 206a, at 1 p.m.

About the author

  • Carrie Laudie

    Carrie is the Editor in Chief for the 2015-2016 school year.