A grad bash to remember

April 27, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes Graduation is right around the corner and it’s time to celebrate your accomplishment of receiving your degree. Friends and family will be traveling from all over to come see you and celebrate with you. Planning your grad party is crucial. Don’t invite your ex boyfriend/ girlfriend — We understand, you still have feelings for them […]

UVU professor has first screening for second major film

April 24, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes Photo courtesy of: Winning Formula   It’s not every day you hear about a teacher flying out to LA to promote a movie they directed. 30-year-old UVU Professor Tyler Farr has been doing just that this past month with the premiere of his second feature film, Winning Formula. Winning Formula is a buddy comedy that […]

On the road again

March 11, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes Photo credit: Nicola Pritchett   Being surrounded by beauty and adventure, Utah County offers the opportunity to take a memorable weekend road trip with friends and family inside and many destinations outside of the state. Utah offers many destinations for students to make the most of free weekend time. “Students have a pretty good list of […]

How did I end up here?

October 8, 2014

Reading Time: 3 minutes Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   Utah Valley University has grown as a respectable college over the past 10 years. And with the number of attending rising more and more every year, it is no surprise. But with other big colleges surrounding UVU, like BYU and U of U, why does UVU attract so many different […]

Effective study

October 3, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes As classes began for UVU Students this semester, so did the studying. With busy work schedules, meetings, sports or even being a parent, studying is one of those double-edged swords involving a ‘don’t want to do it, but have to do it’ mentality. It’s a problem many UVU students face, given only a few precious […]

Making the most of your road trip

September 24, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes For many students this summer, they will be hitting the open road for adventures, making memories, and discovering who they are. Living in Utah, we have a geographic advantage to drive to desired vacation spots in under a day. Many people like to road trip to Idaho, Montana and various parts around Utah. But living […]

Seven to-do’s before summer kicks the bucket

September 24, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes When it comes to summer, most college students are working jobs they don’t want, to pay for schooling that they need. Or they are in summer school full time and forget to enjoy the little things in life that make summer fun and exciting. Needless to say, this happens way too often and should be […]