Making the most of your road trip

schedule 3 min read

For many students this summer, they will be hitting the open road for adventures, making memories, and discovering who they are.

Living in Utah, we have a geographic advantage to drive to desired vacation spots in under a day. Many people like to road trip to Idaho, Montana and various parts around Utah. But living in Utah, you should take advantage of our geographical location and go places that you have never been before. For instance, we are only 9 hours away from Disneyland and only 5.5 away from Las Vegas. In order to help you make the most of your summer vacation, the following is a step-by-step guide to help you plan the best road trip.

Step One: Choose a new destination

Choose somewhere you have never been before. Always dreamed of going cross-country to New York City or hitting up the beaches of Miami, this summer you can. You can even go to Nebraska, just to say that you went. There are myriad options and the best part is, you can drive to a great number of them. If you have a passport, explore Canada, it’s only 12 hours away.

Step Two: Pick a travel party

It’s best not to go alone on road trips, so find a buddy or two to travel with you. Spending enforced hours in the car with your friends creates bonds and memories that are unforgettable. It will not only be more adventurous with company, but you’ll have someone to talk to and share the escapade with. Having a companion on the road to switch driving time with is much safer as well. We also all know we have friends that we can handle in doses and friends we can spend exponential time with, choose someone you can handle for endless hours. To top it off, it helps lower your costs when there are multiple people pitching in on the fixed expenses.

Step Three: Make a playlist

Choose music that will fit the occasion. I like to listen to a lot of punk rock and Beastie Boys, but when the sun is setting and I’m driving along, you really start to think about life. My suggestion for this? “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” soundtrack, a very travel-worthy album. Also, 80’s rock hits are always a good choice. If you have a smart phone, download Pandora or create a Spotify playlist for additional variety.

Step Four: Take in the view

On your journey, there will be many places that are remote, abandoned, or just places that have not been developed. These places are beautiful and you should be prepared to take full advantage of them. Simply stopping the car in the middle of nowhere to stretch your legs allows you a moment to appreciate the parts of America that haven’t been touched. There is not too many places like that anymore. Enjoy it while you can and take in the moment and beauty of our home.

It’s easy to take advantage of the small things around us, but on your drive, take it in and appreciate it. There’s so much more past Utah County and this summer can be the time to not only find it, but find yourself as well.

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