Effective study

As classes began for UVU Students this semester, so did the studying. With busy work schedules, meetings, sports or even being a parent, studying is one of those double-edged swords involving a ‘don’t want to do it, but have to do it’ mentality.
It’s a problem many UVU students face, given only a few precious hours of studying and not enough minutes in those hours. A brain can only produce so much after a long night of work or parenting. Studying typically won’t be as effective as it should.
Here are some effective study tips to help you as you continue your long journey this semester.
Take a Break
Utah law says that every employee is entitled to a 30 minutes work break after four hours of work. That 30 minutes can be spent studying. According to research, taking 30 minutes a day to study will be more effective than trying to cram in two hours of studying late at night. So on your break, go ahead and hit those books.
Sleeping is actually good for your studying habits. Researchers at LSU say that getting a good night’s sleep will help increase your memory capacity of what you studied and it will come easier to you on test day. Get that rest.
Drink Plenty of Water
Research shows that staying hydrated while studying helps. Water allows good blood flow to the brain and helps store the information that you are studying. Too many times people make the mistake of chugging energy drinks, coffee and other caffeinated beverages hoping to stay awake for study sessions. This does more harm than good. Drink water instead.
Study Groups
Study groups may be your best possible way to study. People will find different information and even have a better grasp of the subject. With that advantage, you can increase your chances of passing a test or understanding the material in a study group. It also helps when someone brings snacks, because, you know, snacks are awesome.
Relax Your Mind
Relaxation appears to be the key to effective studying. The same researchers out of LSU say that if you do something you like to do to stimulate your mind – running, video games, etc. – it helps you retain the information better when studying. Your mind and body need to be at ease and if you go for a workout session or video game break, your stress level will be reduced, allowing your mind to be at ease as you start to study.
So, in a nutshell, just relax and find time to ease yourself into studying. College isn’t easy. If it was, then everyone would do it. Don’t beat yourself up this semester with bad study habits. Take these tips to heart if you really want to pass your classes. Now go drink water and sleep, then hit those books.