Seven to-do’s before summer kicks the bucket

When it comes to summer, most college students are working jobs they don’t want, to pay for schooling that they need. Or they are in summer school full time and forget to enjoy the little things in life that make summer fun and exciting. Needless to say, this happens way too often and should be eradicated. But, only you have the power to do that. So here is a little start up for you and your summer bucket list to make the most of your college summer.
1. Make time for yourself
This is probably the most important. You spend so much of your time worrying, working and probably stressing, that it is important to make sure you take a little time out for yourself. This can be accomplished by asking for a day off or asking for the weekend off so you can sleep in, watch TV, play video games or stay up late with your friends. It will help the mind, body and soul so much.
2. Get out of the state
Living in such a conservative culture can take its toll from time to time. So take a break from it and go visit somewhere out of state. If you’re from out of state, go home for the week. If you’re not, but have friends or family that are, go visit them. It’s important to leave here and there and experience different things and places during college.
3. Go to a roof-top show
Here in Provo, there is this little burger and malt-shop called “Sammys.” It’s good food and they have roof-top shows with live music. It’s fun and a must for anyone’s summer bucket list to go and enjoy. Did I mention it’s free too?
4. Spend all day at Seven Peaks
It’s summer and it gets hot here in the valley, so water activities are a must. Not a lot of people will go to Utah Lake because of how “clean” it is, so the next best option is Seven Peaks. Spend all day there if you can. You can either hang out in the lazy river or lay out in the sun, and take advantage of the many slides with your friends.
5. Eat at every respectable food place around town.
Utah County has a plethora of food joints to choose from. Many here are nationally renowned. So hit up every one you can, just to say you did. From BAM BAM’S BBQ to JDawgs, Slab Pizza, Station 22 etc. there are many to choose from and can be fun to try new foods with different themes.
6. Go to Disneyland
This goes right along with the going out of state suggestion. It’s only an 9 hour drive and it’s Disneyland, so why not? Go for the weekend and just have fun with your friends. Not only does it make for a good road trip, it’s affordable too. Who wouldn’t want to go to the happiest place on earth in the happiest time in the four seasons?
7. Road Trip
Go for a long drive, anywhere that interests you. Pick a place and go, just make sure you are back in time for class or work on Monday.
There you have it. Your start-up bucket list. It’s important to have some fun when there is so much crazy going on in your world. Maybe you’ll discover something new, but most importantly, you’ll take care of yourself which should always be your number one priority.