It’s Complicated: Reagan offers flirting tips

February 4, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dear Reagan,How do I indicate to someone I don’t know very well that I find them attractive? Flirting is hard enough as it is, but lately, I’ve found that I’m hesitant to approach women for fear that I’ll come off as overly forward or creepy. Any advice?Cordially,Bearded and Bored Dear Bearded, The initial stages of […]

A lesson in empathy with Paul Parkin

August 7, 2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes Photo courtesy of Paul Parkin Paul Parkin is an adjunct professor at UVU who uses his understanding and research of empathy to reinforce his teaching style and the way he approaches life. Parkin, like many, approached college with the mindset of becoming rich. It wasn’t until he experienced the death of both his father and […]