Hallway Conversations: What is consent?
Name: Nicole Hemsley
Major: Accounting
Year: Freshmen
“Consent is if someone asks you something, you give them permission to do it. Consent is important because if a guy comes up and starts doing stuff to you, or if you’re with them and you tell them don’t do that, but they do it anyway, they are breaking your consent. If you’re making out with someone obviously you’ve given consent, but the second they go too far and you don’t want to do what they’re trying to do, if you push their hands away, that’s a lack of non-verbal consent. But, if they keep going, that’s not okay. And same with if you verbally say it [no], then that’s breaking consent.”
Name: Clancy Abegg
Major: Communication
Year: Freshman
“Consent is when both people are aware of the situation and agree to the same thing. Both people need to be aware of what’s going to happen and need to have agreed to it previously. Consent can absolutely be taken back. It’s your body, so you get to decide what happens to it. I think it’s our job, as friends or in a relationship, to respect each other with that. It’s your body; if you don’t want someone in your space then it’s your right to say no. Verbal consent is important, but non-verbal is there as well. I definitely think we need to be paying attention to that with each other. Non-verbal consent looks like pushing someone away or watching the level of comfort. Verbal is definitely more clear and concise, but I think non-verbal is there and just as important.”
Name: Angie Svedin
Major: Social Work
Year: Freshman
“Consent is allowing someone to be with you, like giving them permission, letting them know, saying yes. To me, personally, consent means privacy, like this is my bubble so stay out of my bubble. Also, you can change your mind about sex before it happens. Even if you’re halfway through, you can stop it. I haven’t really thought about it, but non-verbal is implying, while verbal is clear. It would be good to get verbal consent before sex. But, asking for permission too much is a mood killer. If you’re not comfortable then you need to be in control of it; you need to stop it. No, consent does not change in a relationship; you can still rape. The lines are more blurry, but there is still a line. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, no means no.”
Name: Mario Aragon
Major: Computer Science
Year: Sophomore
“Consent is a yes or no, like, if they want to do something or not do it. Mostly you hear it in dating, like, do you want to have sex and you have to get consent from both parties; I mean that’s mostly what I hear. If I was having sex and she asked me to stop because she was uncomfortable, I would stop because she’s not comfortable. So, non-verbal is pushing someone away or off you, and verbal is saying no or that they are not comfortable. I don’t think consent changes in a relationship; you shouldn’t be forced to something you don’t want to.”
Name: Blaze Gorney
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year: Freshman
“Consent is essentially asking before doing something. It’s having someone’s permission before doing anything that involves them or affects them in anyway. As a married man, consent is important in all aspects of our relationship. It comes down to not doing something your partner isn’t okay with, whether it’s eating tacos or having sex. Also, it’s totally fine to change your mind. I mean, sure you’ll have to deal with those feelings, like if I really wanted tacos, I’ve got to get over the fact that I’m not getting tacos anymore. I gotta suck it up and eat sushi, it’s fine. You’re able to get over those feelings. It takes about five minutes to get over it, get off your high horse, and move on.