The personal side of the new UVUSA team

Tyler Brklacich
“I always told myself I wouldn’t get into politics, but here I am,” said Tyler Brklacich, an upcoming senior in political science who plans to go to law school in the future.
Brklacich has been involved with student government for about four years, loving each step as he progressed from a committee member to a senator to vice president of academic senate to his new position as president.
“I love involvement. I look at UVUSA as involvement and being able to change something, rather than politics,” he said.
Brklacich is energetic, spontaneous and sarcastic, but since he has been working since he was 15 he has a serious side when needed.
He said that he surprises many of his friends by how quick he can switch from being crazy to serious.
One of his biggest passions is caring for others. He has helped out at refugee centers and did service in Fiji.
He consults nonprofit organizations, helping with developing and fundraising. He personally has raised over $50,000 for nonprofits and he is hoping to increase that amount as he continues to work.
“If you want to pull at my hear strings, talk about helping out others…That’s where my heart belongs,” he said.
One of his goals is to be inclusive, which shows by the frequency of “hellos” he gives in the halls.
“Tyler is one of the most kind, generous people I’ve ever met. I’ve never heard him say a nasty or negative comment about anyone…Running into him in the hallways brightens my day and he always greets me with a ‘hello beautiful’,” said Brittany Plothow, a friend and former co-worker of Brklacich.
He also loves reading, watching House of Cards on Netflix, eating chocolate marshmallow ice cream by the gallon, hosting “Single Saturdays” at his house, which he invites anyone and everyone to, and much more.
He lives by a quote from Marjorie Hinckley: “Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Brklacich encourages anyone to contact him if they have questions, concerns, comments, or just want to say “hi.” His office will be located in the new UVUSA location on the first floor of the Student Life and Wellness Center. He can also be reached by email at [email protected].
Caleb Tippetts
Executive Vice President
When Caleb Tippetts came to UVU on a business scholarship, he planned to transfer to Brigham Young University after he returned from his LDS mission. He never expected to fall in love with UVU.
A self-proclaimed nerd, Tippetts loves video games, Harry Potter, school, mint cookies and cream ice cream, and has a sincere passion for people. It’s that passion that has lead him to be involved in half a dozen campus clubs at the same time.
“I think [clubs] are the best thing that’s ever happened to a university. It’s a great way to get involved, find your place and really connect with people that have similar interests,” Tippetts said.
Like most college students, he changed his major several times before deciding on political science with an emphasis in public law and a minor in Chinese, which he will graduate with in spring 2015. After UVU, he plans to start law school.
Tippetts has had several leadership positions before running with team Rise. He was the multi-cultural co-chair for the Latter-Day Saints Student Association, Orem Institute’s student council. He was the UVUSA vice president of clubs for the 2013-2014 school year.
Tippetts strives to live life with the thought that you are the only one who can get in the way of achieving your dreams.
He looks forward to his new position as executive vice president and hopes that students will feel comfortable coming to his office anytime for anything they need.
Mallory Wallin
Vice President of Academic Senate
“I like to say that I’m in a full on relationship with UVU,” said Mallory Wallin, a senior in behavioral science with an emphasis in psychology. When her mom asks about her dating life, she says “I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t have time for a boyfriend. I’m dating UVU.”
She has been part of the Center for the Advancement of Leadership for two years, where she learned to not limit herself by expectations and the importance of service to others and the community.
When the opportunity came to be a part of UVUSA, she decided it would be a great way to be more involved on campus and to serve the students.
Wallin’s dream job is to be a junior high school counselor, which is what she plans on pursuing after graduation.
She loves hugs, 30-minute naps, red lipstick, looking at other people’s artistic creations, high fives and doing typography in her journal.
She eats her Breyers strawberry ice cream with a fork, but when she’s feeling indecisive she likes neopoliton so she has a variety.
Even though her campaign photo was intense and was a little strong faced, Wallin is goofy and fun.
“Mallory is the sweetest, most charitable, self-giving person that I know,” said Mike Jones, a friend of Wallin.
RileeJo Archibald
Vice President of Activities
Life is good, life is great: the motto that RileeJo Archibald, a senior in speech communication with a minor in outdoor recreation, lives by.
This thought has helped her get through many experiences in her life.
After running the 400 hurdles in track on a scholarship for two years, she had to decide whether to get surgery for injuries and have the effects of it long term or to quit.
“I decided it was better for me to quit altogether, which was super hard. It turned out great and I found what I love to do,” Archibald said.
She worked with the Residential Engagement Coordinator program, which built up her love for UVU. Her advisor in that program helped her to find scholarships so that she didn’t have to drop out.
Before running for her current position, Archibald was a club ambassador. She loved that role and the people she worked with. It made her want to get more involved.
When she is not planning activities for UVU, you can find her doing anything outside or dancing a variety of styles.
“Rilee is an extremely passionate person, who is constantly focusing on making the lives around her better…She’s very introspective and very thoughtful, but at the same time she’s the most fun person on the face of the planet,” said Neal Ferrell, a friend of Archibald.
After graduating, she wants to put her experiences and learning to use as a motivational and leadership speaker. She plans on working with outdoor adventure bases, giving tours and encouraging them to fulfill their dreams.
Savannah Buswell
Vice President of Clubs and Organizations
“I like being active in everything that I do. I go 110 percent, 110 percent of the time,” said Savannah Buswell, a sophomore earning a photography major and business minor.
She lives by her color-coded planner that is constantly full. She thrives in a busy atmosphere and loves it. Last year she lad three jobs on top of planning activities with UVUSA.
Though she is the youngest of team Rise, Buswell has been part of student government on and off since fifth grade.
“[Student government] is just a part of me, I can’t get rid of it. I don’t feel myself when I’m not in it,” she said.
The avid roller skater and rock climber hopes that she is able to bring people to a smile, doing her best to make them feel happier and better.
She loves learning new things, even if it seems useless. She plans on taking an auto mechanics class and wants to go to massage therapy school just so she can know how to fix people’s tight muscles.
Before she even knew that Nike’s slogan was “Just do it,” Buswell used the phrase as her life’s motto. She had never done any marketing or even used Adobe Photoshop before she did the marketing for the Rise campaign.
“I had to learn all of it and then I accomplished it all. I got a lot of good feedback for it,” Buswell said.
She loves awkward situations and often makes them even more awkward just for fun. She’ll also jump on any pun that is available.
Buswell encourages any and all students who have questions or anything else to talk to her.