Police blotter

Sarah Roberts | Staff Writer | @itssarah_sr
Mental Subject:
June 9- An officer responded to a report of a woman who seemed to be having a mental breakdown. The officer spoke with the woman and determined she was not suicidal. The woman wished to speak to a counselor, so she was taken to Student Health Services.
Suspicious Circumstance:
June 10- Police received reports of a man and woman arguing by the info desk in the LA Building. After speaking with the individuals, officers found the two were a brother and sister having a spirited discussion.
June 11- An officer went to the soccer field to investigate reports of a suspicious man strolling through the soccer field without a shirt. The officer informed the man he could not be on the field and the man left the soccer field as directed.
June 15- Police received complaints of a strong marijuana odor in the UVU Parking Garage. An officer reported to the garage and discovered the source of the odor was a nearby brush fire.
June 12- An Orem woman who was selling a dress online for $250 received a $1900 check from an overseas buyer. The woman was asked to send the extra money back to the buyer in France. By the time the woman discovered this exchange was a scam, it was too late. She lost $1000.
Under the Influence:
June 14- Police investigated a vehicle in one of the car wash bays at 200 N State Street. The driver of the vehicle had passed out, seemingly due to heroin use. The man still had some heroin in his possession and was taken to the county jail.
June 14- Officers responded to a car accident at 800 E in the Cascade neighborhood. The cause of the accident was an intoxicated driver. The man was arrested for DUI.