Battle Creek Falls Trail review

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Battle Creek Falls Trail is a well-maintained, 4.1 mile, out-and-back trail located in the mountains of Lindon, Utah. Show stopping views, waterfalls, and a river crossing make the hike a perfect start to the fall.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently, I was able to hike Battle Creek Falls Trail. I love hiking because it helps keep me happy, even when the weather is changing and the daylight gets shorter. Although some trails are better than others, Battle Creek Falls is one of my favorites. 

Battle Creek Falls Trail is a well-maintained, 4.1-mile, out-and-back trail located in the mountains of Lindon, Utah. This trail took me just under three hours to accomplish, in which I gained 1,847 feet of elevation. I would say that it was moderately difficult while hiking at a fast pace.

According to The American Academy of Family Physicians, “about 4 to 6 percent of people may have winter depression. Another 10 to 20 percent may have mild SAD.” The Mayo Clinic defines SAD as, “a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons …  [that usually starts] in the fall and continue[s] into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody.” I don’t like to feel this way, so, as I mentioned, I try to get outside as much as I can.

The Mayo Clinic advises that during this seasonal change we shouldn’t, “brush off that yearly [moody] feeling as simply a case of the ‘winter blues’ or a seasonal funk that you have to tough out on your own.” Instead, we should take the steps to keep our mood and motivation steady throughout the year. I apply this advice literally and “take the steps” to keep my mood balanced whenever I hike. 

What makes Battle Creek Falls unique is that there are many beautiful stopping points along the way. The biggest show stopper is an incredible view of the valley appearing only a mile from the start. Additionally, the Battle Creek waterfall (from where the trail gets its name) cascades only yards away from the end of the trail. I found that here, many hikers like to stop and refresh, making the hike friendly for a variety of ages and skill levels.

The rest of the stops on the 4.1-mile path consist of smaller clearings along the creek. In one of these clearings, you must cross the creek in order to continue the hike, so make sure you bring appropriate shoes. 

However incredible it may be, do not let the sights, raging waterfalls, or length of the hike stop you from reaching the top. A magnificent view of the Utah Valley and the vibrant fall-colored leaves await you!

I think that this hike was the perfect start to the fall. I would highly recommend it to anybody who enjoys the outdoors and is trying to get out. If you are wondering about something to do this weekend, go with friends and enjoy the beautiful fall Utah has to offer in Battle Creek Falls Trail.