Picking the perfect present

Brianna Bailey | Lifestyle Editor | @BriannaBailey14
Illustration by Ashley Fairbourne
As summer is wrapping up, wedding season is in full swing. This leaves various parties for the becoming brides and several gifts to purchase per occasion. Understanding which gift is appropriate for each event is crucial.
Although engaged couples will have a different timeline of planning events, engagement parties are usually the first to cross off the list. This is an activity for which it’s important to be mindful of both the bride and groom. Mr. & Mrs. gifts are a great go to. Consider a set of wedding hangers for the tux and wedding dress or a custom ring holder off Etsy. Customized fork sets are also personable and well fitting for the occasion, sure to be appreciated by all.
Following the events of the early engagement and congratulating the couple on their wedding planning, a bridal shower is expected within the following months. One needs to be careful with purchases for this because often mom’s and family adult friends are invited. It’s important to withhold raunchy gifts until a more appropriate time that will be mentioned later.
Kitchenware is a popular favorite. Although the bride and groom will register for various kitchen items for their actual wedding gifts, you can purchase kitchen accessories and housewares that they aren’t expecting and will be thrilled about. Couples often love gift cards instead of chosen wedding gifts for the special day so they can select what they need based on what they received. This is why these types of gifts are even more ideal for this occasion.
Items like a serving set from Kate Spade with a serving slate tower are a great combination. For cost effective purposes, doing a gift in a set is great to go in on with another friend and will be valued just as much. When purchasing gifts, be mindful of your cost. Set a budget for each item and event to eliminate any possible financial stress.
As the wedding is within sight, a bachelorette party is upcoming and close before the official ceremony. Depending on your role in the wedding whether it be maid-of-honor, bridesmaid or just close friend, this is the most exciting gift to select. You’ve passed all of the classy parties and by-the-book gifts.
Whether it be sexy lingerie or edible massage cream, be creative. All the other girls are going to be selecting similar gifts. Victoria’s Secret has their sexy little bride section or perhaps you can create a CD for the honeymoon. This is the time to select your raunchy gift. Your girlfriends will all get a kick out of whatever you do and it’ll excite the bride even more about her special day.
Keep mind of this timeline as your girlfriend’s wedding approaches. This is a special and memorable time for her, but it should be for you as well. Personalizing what you purchase and being mindful and personable to the bride is important. When she reflects on her wedding, she’ll remember what your part in her day was. While using those everyday household items, she’ll think of you and smile. Choose carefully.