New tutoring lab

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Jeremiah Cowan | Staff Writer


The College of Technology and Computing opened a new computer science tutoring lab on Thursday, Feb. 5.  With the growing number of students enrolling in computer science courses there was a need to create a lab dedicated solely to helping with computer science courses. The new lab is located in CS 612; hours for the new lab are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

“We have had this lab since summer but we shared with the Aculis lab,” said Russell Andlauer, a tutor in the lab.

The new computer science lab was split from the Aculis lab and has been busy since it was opened. Andlauer said he has never seen the lab without people there.  The Aculis lab, which was previously located in CS 612, has been moved to CS 616 and is dedicated to tutoring for Information Management courses.

In addition to computer science tutors, the lab will also have a tutor available to help with basic digital media course. There is no digital media specific tutor, however Andlauer is minoring in Digital Media and could help with a couple of courses in that area. Help for basic word, excel, and power point questions can still be found in the Aculis lab.

Bryant Casutt, the tutor for pre-engineering, who was previously a part of the computer science lab, has been moved to CS 727. Bryant is still available for help with pre-engineering tutoring Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m. – 11 a.m., and then 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.