Polynesian Cultural Center Celebrates at UVU

By Jimmy Hall, Staff Writer
If you have ever explored the islands of Hawaii and landed on Oahu, you probably have come across the Polynesian Cultural Center. At the PCC, one can become acquainted with the isles of the Pacific’s dancing, food and live acts that showcase their exotic cultures. For years the PCC has been a tourist staple.
Now, for their 50th anniversary, select acts from the center are touring around Utah with performances for the public. The PCC’s popular “Ha: Breath of Life” will be performed at the Quad at Utah Valley University on July 27. The show features performers, drums, dance, music and special effects and a world-renowned fire knife performance.
The story through these performances will focus on a central character, Mana, as he evolves through universal life themes of boyhood, young love, respect and admiration for elders, and the importance of community for individuals and families.
All themes are central to the Polynesian cultures but are applicable to everyone, relaying the message of family, hope, pride and heritage.
This event promises to be a sight to behold, as the PCC invites their audience to be swept away to the tropical paradise of Hawaii in this performance of cultural exploration.
Tickets can be purchased at Campus Connection for $10.