Luis Garza: Team Comes First

Photo credit: UVU Athletics
University of South Florida transfer Luis Garza is from Chihuahua, Mexico and has played soccer since he was 3 years old. Interestingly, Luis began his sports career with baseball when his parents made him play because he was always carrying a bat around the house. After a while, he was told that he was too small to play baseball. A soccer instructor close to his parents mentioned that Luis was welcome to play on his team if they desired. From that time on, Luis couldn’t put the soccer ball away.
Many years later, Luis still has high expectations for his career. Currently, his goals are to win the WAC championship and go as far as possible in the NCAA tournament, some of the reasons he came to UVU. He describes himself as humble on the soccer pitch. “In reality,” says Luis. “I’m not the player that says I need to score goals.” In fact, from the time he was a child, Luis has preferred to record assists rather than goals. He has always been told to be more selfish as a player, but cares more about the team winning than he does personal success.
Throughout Luis’ incredible life, he has one soccer memory that stands out. At the age of 10, he was scheduled to play in a soccer tournament in Mexico. On his way, his grandpa suddenly passed away, causing him immense pain. Luis wanted to return home to his grandfather’s funeral but felt the need to play. He says his grandpa would have wanted that. Luis’ team won the tournament, and he was crowned the high goal scorer of the tournament. He received various offers from different clubs, but remained with his family until he grew older.
When asked what his favorite professional club is, Luis responded with FC Barcelona due to their fast pace and high level of play. “I really enjoy their ‘tiki taka’ style of play.”