Bitcoin takes the stage at conference

The annual Bitcoin Conference and Tech Business Summit was held at UVU on Oct. 1, with the goal of bringing together like-minded people to discuss and learn from each other. According to the event’s website, “[it] is the one and only conference that’s connecting clean energy, bitcoin, and the blockchain economy and presenting it to you in a way that makes crypto make sense.”
Many speakers and business leaders attended the event to teach, inform, and advertise their products to an audience of approximately 200 people. Classroom sessions were held throughout the day, paired with a tradeshow in the Grand Ballroom.
According to, “Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part.”
The conference kicked off early Friday morning at 8 a.m., hosted by Charlene Brown, a TV producer, talk show host and journalist. During the opening ceremony, which took place in the doTERRA Auditorium, speakers and instructors were given a 90-seconds to make an elevator pitch about themselves and their business ventures. The purpose of this was to inform and attract the audience to attend the break-out room sessions that were most appealing to them.
There were a variety of speakers from diverse backgrounds. One of the speakers included “Bitcoin Ben”, a former truck driver who has found a new passion for cryptocurrencies. According to his website, he is “just an average guy who wants to help bring cryptocurrency into the mainstream.” Ben has gained a large following on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, where he live streams and talks about all things crypto.
Speakers ranged from young to old, with the youngest being “Miss Teen Crypto,” who is an 18-year-old influencer from New York City. She has also gained a following on social media where she discusses cryptocurrencies to an audience of her peers.
Following the opening event, break-out rooms commenced, covering a variety of topics for one hour each. This way guests were given the opportunity to learn about several different topics. One of the rooms featured Jeff Pinnacle, a cryptocurrency consultant who educates people on his YouTube channel.
Pinnacle’s breakout room was titled “Introduction to Bitcoin.” He broke down the basics of cryptocurrencies and defined common terminology and acronyms, making the information easy to digest.
“Anywhere I get a chance to talk to people that are not familiar with what is definitely coming and [advocating for] adoption, which I believe is the future of the financial system, I’ll take that opportunity all day long,” said Pinnacle. “I was happy to be in front of newer faces that want to learn and [by] coming here they are saying ‘I want to be in [this] space. I want to learn more; teach me more.’ So for me, I want to give back to the community and help adoption by encouraging [it].”
More information about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be found by visiting the official Bitcoin website, or by checking out the speaker’s websites. A list of the speakers present at the event can be found here.