Reading Time: 3 minutesApple Juice Productions is a three-year-old YouTube based studio that focuses on feminist-based fan stories. This fall, they are releasing a short film based on Harry Potter’s parents in which Lily is the focus. They are also set to present at the upcoming Fan-X Utah. They will be participating in three Q & A panels and the Apple Juice Productions staff is very excited for it.
The fan-funded organization features a new project about once a year. What makes them stand out, however, is that they are “by women, for women.” This simply means that they are much more feminist focused than other studios. They make a habit of employing UVU alum as actors and staff on their projects, and we had the opportunity to interview two such individuals to get the breakdown of their Fan-X Q & A panels.
One of the people we interviewed was Shane Nuttall, who actually plays Peter Pettigrew in the Lily Evans series. He became involved with Apple Juice Productions through Amanda Taylor who was the leading lady in “The Importance of Being Ernest” with him at the Mercury Theater in Provo.
Nuttall said that Apple Juice Productions been a great opportunity for him since he is trying to make a name for himself locally. He was proud to be a part of the series and would happily work with them in the future. Nuttall said that there will be a screening of their Lily Evans project on the Saturday of Fan-X at noon.
The other person we interviewed was Kami Henderson, who is a UVU alum who majored in deaf studies with a focus in interpreting. She now works at a home for adults with “intellectual disabilities”, where she often communicates with sign language. She loves UVU, especially the library and the reflection center. Henderson’s first interaction with Apple Juice Productions was an acting audition, but due to scheduling conflicts, she was unable to participate at that time. When she later saw that they needed off screen assistance, she returned. Henderson said she was interested in the organization because of their female focus.
“I want to create something that makes people squeal,” Henderson said. She told us that she is first and foremost a fangirl.
Henderson said that this was Apple Juice Productions first invite to such a big affair. At Fan-X, they will be showing their last installation in this year’s Potter project —which focuses on Lily Evans and James Potter’s wedding— and answering questions about it. They have also been asked to speak on two other panels: “Feminism in the Marvel Cinematic Universe” and “Comics for Girls Afraid to Comic.”
Henderson imagines that in the first, they will discuss the role that women have played in the Marvel Universe and why someone like Black Widow hasn’t had her own film. In the second, she hopes they will talk about girls who are fans of comics being less intimidated by the culture of “graphic works.” Apple Juice Productions’ overall goal at Fan-X in Kami’s mind is to expand their local following.
When asked about their future plans, Kami was confident that Apple Juice Productions would continue to grow and perhaps even broaden their horizons to original works, so long as those works still followed Apple Juice Productions original desire of empowering women. She also said that they are very open to new people joining their ranks as many of the assistant producers and actors change with each project. Auditions for their projects are generally submitted by video.
If you would like more information about Apple Juice Productions feel free to check out their website: or any of their various social media accounts including Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. If you would like to watch some of their other projects, you can find them on YouTube.