Your education might be your last hope


April 16, 2012

schedule 7 min read

I have a friend who was told by a prospective employer that she would not get the job because she is not a Mormon.   I have another friend who published an article examining her personal experience with racism in the course of her education. She got more than a few angry replies. One man […]

Students’ ‘Lazy Jedi’ short goes viral


February 13, 2012

schedule 3 min read

UVU student Mike Brown and BYU students Casen and Landon Sperry gain Internet fame with weekly YouTube shorts.   Freshman Mike Brown, a 24-year-old Digital Media major, has been collaborating with business partners Casen and Landon Sperry since he was 12 years old.   “One of the very first things we talked about was that […]