The thin blue line

Lost Property
Feb 16 – Police met with a student at the police department regarding lost property. The student had misplaced their UVU student ID bus pass. Information was obtained and a lost property report was filed.
Jamba Juice Heist
Feb 16 –The case was closed against two male students who stole items from Jamba Juice after the students paid restitution. The students were banned from UVU.
Cramping Up
Feb 17 – Police received a call that a female was reported lying on the floor of a restroom. Police arrived and were informed that she was suffering from menstrual cramps and did not need any assistance.
Feb 17 – A female student reported that her ex-boyfriend was stalking her. Police contacted the ex-boyfriend and advised him to avoid contacting her further.
Hit and Run
Feb 18 – A young female student was walking to her car in the parking garage when she witnessed a black sedan back into her car. The car drove away. The accident was captured on camera. No follow-up action was recorded.
Feb 23 – Police went to the UCAS Building for a report on a delayed assault. After meeting with the victim, police found that the crime took place in Pleasant Grove. The victim was told to file with Pleasant Grove Police Department.