Provo City elections: get involved in local politics

Local elections are upon us, with the Provo City primary election taking place Aug. 10, and the general election on Nov. 2 of this year. Voting registration ended Jul. 30, but voter registration can be checked at
Provo’s 2021 election information can be found on the Provo City website.
The time has come to elect a mayor in Provo, or re-elect, given incumbent, Mayor Michelle Kaufusi, is running for reelection. Kaufusi and the other candidates are in this year’s primary ballot.
2021 Provo City Mayoral Candidates
- Michelle Kaufusi
Kaufusi is Provo’s current mayor. She was elected in 2017 and has decided to run for reelection. Kaufusi is a Provo local, she claims to aid in keeping Provo safe by supporting law enforcement and the fire department. More information on the mayor and her platform is located at her website.
- Kenneth W. Dudley
Kenneth Dudley is a Utah native, raised in Heber. If elected, Ken will make public safety his top priority, he also plans to “rein in wasteful, out-of-control spending.” Dudley identifies as a conservative patriot, and speaks out in support of those serving in the military, and is an advocate for second amendment rights. Dudley’s story and platform is described in further detail on his website.
- Caleb Reeve
Caleb Reeve grew up in Massachusetts and California, he came to Utah to attend school where he graduated from UVU in 2005 and has called Provo his home since 2008. Reeve is registered as unaffiliated, but he identifies as an Independent Centrist. Reeve states that he would be a good fit for mayor because he’s a “normal citizen” and knows what it’s like to experience everyday life in Provo. He is pro-life, supports the second ammendment, and believes that Provo should be a welcoming city for members of the LQBTQ+ community, and anyone else who wants to make a home here. More statements from Reeve can be found on his blog.
- Neil Mitchell
Neil Mitchell moved to Provo in 1965 to attend Brigham Young University, where he graduated with in political science. Since then he has served in the US Army, but has returned to live in Provo. Mitchell has 50 years experience as a tax preparer, and is an advocate for full transparency between local government and the general public. He believes that locals should have “no surprises” when it comes to local government. He wants to strengthen Provo with focused city spending, and teamwork between nearby cities. For more information on Mitchell, visit his website.
- M. David Gedo Sanchez
M. David Gedo Sanchez was born in Uruguay, but came to Utah with his family in 1963. His slogan is “Let’s Make Provo Great Again.” Sanchez swears to uphold the constitution, and he takes a vow “to defend each and every citizen of the great City of Provo against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” More statements from Sanchez can be found on his Facebook page: “Let’s Make Provo Great Again.”
Also located on the 2021 Primary ballot are Provo City Council Candidates. In Provo, the city council serves as the legislative branch and policy making body. Provo City’s website states:
“The Council, through the adoption of ordinances and resolutions, establishes laws, sets policy, oversees the budget, provides opinion on the administrative branch’s execution of the law, and approves long-term contracts and commitments of City resources.”
Provo City Council City Wide Candidates
District 2
Provo City Council District 5
Registered voters should have received a ballot in the mail, if you did not receive your ballot call the Utah County office at 801-851-8128. Paid postage is provided with the ballot if voters choose to mail in their ballots, but ballot drop boxes are located around Provo for convenience. A list of drop box locations can be found here.
To learn more about each of the candidates and to see a complete list, see Provo’s 2021 Candidate Information page. For information on voting in Orem, see this article.