One last hurrah for Provo’s counter-culture coffee shop.

On Feb. 1st at 7pm, a benefit concert will be hosted by Beautiful Cryptid at Rugged Grounds Provo. Local artists DERM, NATOZELICH, Annipasto, KTHKNG, Bentelou, Chac Xol, Michel Knowles, Bly Wallentine, and Dune Moss will be performing. This will be one of the last big gatherings at Rugged Grounds before it is set to be demolished in the spring, to be replaced by a new 8-story apartment building. “We expect a lot of the community to show up, the venue caps out at about 140-but I’d expect, with people flowing in and out, around 200.” says Rye Rhodes, Co-Founder of Beautiful Cryptid. Although it says Save Rugged Grounds on the poster, it is sadly too late for the treasured coffee shop to be saved. “We’re thinking of it as more of a last hurrah!” says Rye.
On Jan. 8, 2025, Provo City Planning Commission investigated whether the apartment set to replace Rugged Grounds had met zoning requirements. Public comments were held and went late into the night. The room was overflowing with support for Rugged Grounds, with people filling all of the seats, standing outside, and even sitting on the floor. Many heartfelt 2-minute testimonials left in the public record showcased what Rugged Grounds means for so many people. Rugged Grounds has served Provo for years as a “third space” where people can make friends and be themselves.
“I believe community centers, so called third spaces, where people can gather and express ideas, and be human beings are at serious risk” said Evan Seal, 17, who frequents Rugged Grounds. “I feel helpless because we expressed our concerns deeply and did everything we could. The rights of the corporation are still being valued by the city and the law, over the rights and livelihood of the actual community.” said Mr. Seal.
Although every member of the commission was moved, the plans for the 8-story apartment building were approved. “It is heartbreaking for me honestly” said Daniel Gonzalez, the only member of the Provo City Planning Commission to vote against approval.
One beam of hope did appear during the public comment. The architect of the new apartment complex said that they were willing to look at redesigning part of the lounge for a coffee shop.
“Usually, we don’t see that at a hearing,” said architect Brett Harris. “I have been to a lot of these public hearings and planning commissions, and I do not see that. I see passion but I do not hear the stories that I heard tonight. That third party space created such a sense of community. I think it’s important. I think that is why the developer, he came up to me and he said, ‘is there a possibility we can put a coffee shop in here?’”
“We’re not saying it’s going to happen 100%,” Harris continued, “but we’re going to do what we can to help facilitate it. It was neat to be a part of that meeting. It shows how much passion people have for who they are as people and as a community.”
Rugged Grounds Co-Owner Sadie Crowley felt the love of the community: “Truly from the bottom of my heart I’m grateful for the community that showed up tonight. Grateful to be a part of it, I felt so much love. I hope there’s a way we can land on our feet.”