Inside Wolverine of the Week

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last fall, UVUSA Executive Vice President Brylee Bromley launched a campaign called Wolverine of the Week.

While attending a conference at Disney World, Bromley and the previous executive council were able to witness Disney give an abundance of recognition to their cast members for their hard work.

As they were walking through the underground tunnels of Disney World, they saw TVs broadcast appreciation for cast members and were told pamphlets were handed to showcase the diligence of their employees. 

The executive council noticed this effort to congratulate individuals and saw the opportunity to bring the magic they found there back to Utah Valley. 

Students hearing other students stories being told, it helps them to know they are not alone, says Bromley. Wolverine of the Week is designed to recognize current UVU students’ hard work, unique stories and letting them know that what you do matters.

“At the end of the day, everyone deserves to be recognized. Everyone is doing amazing things in their own way whether it’s in the classroom, out in the community or if they are just waking up and living. It’s incredible and this [campaign] is our way of letting students know we see them.”
Brylee Bromley

According to Bromley, Wolverine of the Week has also been a chance for the council to interact with the students and get to know them, especially the first few weeks after the campaign launched.

“Everyone has a story. I would encourage people to talk to people and get to know them. When you get to know people, you learn how incredible they are. There’s no way you can’t love up close once you really hear about someone.”

This semester, Bromley has taken a small step back from the campaign to focus on her work as Executive Vice President, but her assistant Parker Freeman continues to oversee the project. 

After a year, nominations continue to come in and plans of expansion have started to form. With campaigns like President Tuminez’s Wolverine Stories or Wolverine Wednesday, there are many options they want to explore and collaborate with.

If you know anyone who deserves to be recognized, go to and to send in any nominations.