Going Green with the environmental awareness club

schedule 2 min read

Cash for Clunkers, global warming issues, and the ugly, grey haze that consumes much of Utah Valley during the winter months, all serve as constant everyday reminders of our need to “Go Green.”

As stated on the UVU Clubs website, the Environmental Awareness Club (EAC) helps raise ethical concerns about the environment to students, discusses the issues at hand, as well as raises awareness to the community through service projects and fundraising.

The EAC hopes to garner attention and make its mark with students and faculty through its unique purpose and mission statement.

Not only is the purpose of the EAC to raise ethical concerns involving the environment with UVU students, but as stated on the club’s official blog, “A large emphasis will be placed on improving the community as exhibited by getting involved with various humanitarian relief efforts, environmental degradation education, and being involved on a political scale.”

With these projects, and many other service opportunities in place, the EAC provides numerous avenues for students to get involved, give back, and help better sustain the environment in which they live.

Meetings for the Environmental Awareness Club are held Mondays at 4:30 p.m. in SC 206 A.

For more information on the club, its meetings, or how to join, send an email to [email protected] or visit the club’s official blog at www.eaclubuvu.blogspot.com