SLWC: Money well spent

Photo credit: Laura Fox
The new Student Life and Wellness Center, opening in mid-April, is a sight to be seen, and you can pat yourself on the back for paying for it.
The SLWC was built for the students, paid by the students, and will function as a rec center for students, alumni, and the community.
With state of the art technology, a modern design to please the eyes and workout gyms galore, the SLWC is an amazing structure that will benefit both the students and community alike.
It didn’t come without a cost and our student fees did increase because of it. But look at it as a few payments that you made to serve your community and yourself. It cost money, just like anything else in this life, but you get to see where your money went into in due time.
To incoming freshmen, you hit the jackpot. You’ve come to a university that is looking to leave a stamp on the county that’s flooded with BYU fans and periphenelia. This school wants their students to be proud to be a Wolverine and this center is a giant leap towards that goal.
To second and third year students; you are at your prime, as is UVU. You can relate to this university, in the sense that you are trying to find ways to stay engaged in a school that promotes just that.
The SLWC will allow you to do that by offering rock climbing walls and bowling alleys to keep you on campus longer with friends and colleagues. They will also offer cooking classes in the brand new demonstration kitchen, keeping you engaged in learning, even when you’re not in class.
To the seniors; you might feel like you’re going to miss out. You’re off to hopefully bigger and better things but that doesn’t mean that your legacy hasn’t been left behind. This center is your legacy. In your final year at this institution, they will open the gates to something that will benefit the future students and faculty in the years to come. As an alumni, you can get a discounted price as well for an annual membership.
Some are complaining that this is an over-the-top attempt at getting our name on the map. You’re probably right. But it’s working.
The SLWC has gotten more attention than any other new structure on campus, including the library and the new Science Building. On top of that, as UVU makes its effort to better our education, they are also attempting to better our minds and spirits while on campus.
The student fees that paid for this structure in the long run will seem like chump change when you realize all that we receive from this student center. A reflection center, massage rooms, an indoor track, and a gaming center are just a few of the ways that UVU is attempting to free our minds and spirits while feeling good during our semesters and throughout the year.
This center will revolutionize what we currently view a student center to be. Your hard-earned money did not go to waste when you paid the fees.
In April, when the ribbon is cut and the doors open, the students at UVU will never be more proud to be a Wolverine. I am Wolverine-proud more than ever, and it’s because this university is my university and this center is my center.