Hate crime bill takes over State Capital

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There is a new bill working it’s way through the state capitol that will intensify hate crime punishments. There’s a lot of debate as to whether or not this is necessary or worthwhile. Much of the states conservatives are feeling that they are being punished for a “thought,” but what really separates a thought and an action? To me, this wouldn’t have been considered if it wasn’t an issue. As a half-Black half-Mexican growing up in Utah, I take this matter very personally and passionately. Although growing, Utah remains a very non-diverse state. Normally I like to write in humor, but today I’m going to touch up on my sensitivity and seriousness as we break this down.

White Privilege Is a Thing

Believe it or not, you can look around and see that white privilege is still in our society. People are debating this Black Lives Matters, for example. Look at how real that is! There have been more police brutalities in the last 5 years than there has been in my 29 years of living. Don’t get me wrong. Black lives aren’t all that matter, but they matter now. So do Mexican lives, Syrian lives, Muslim lives, and anyone who’s deemed “different.” Trump is making his case for this movement right now, as he is close to bringing Nazi Germany to America in these next four years. Trump’s ideas, and the shocking amount of support he receives, demonstrate that white privilege is at large.

Times are Changing

Let’s look at the civil rights movement 50-60 years ago. Martin Luther King was a phenomenal and non-violent protestor for his equal living. He got attacked, death threats and police brutality on the daily. Even so, he never gave up, and made the biggest impact for people of color at the time, which unfortunately resulted in his death. This new bill will include harsher punishments for crimes against “disability, gender identity, and sexual orientation.” If you ask me, it’s too easy to excuse oneself out of a charge of hate crime by pleading ignorance to the incident.


Retard(ed). We all know the word, and many use it. It has a direct meaning behind it though. I have severe ADHD, does that make me? Growing up I have had my share of people calling me retarded, and attacking me for being “different.”  Disability shows itself in a many personality and is hard to detect without directly knowing. What makes it ok to use words or to criticize others? How unique we are is what makes each of us so beautiful. There should be heavier punishment for anyone who feels better about oneself to bring someone else down.

Gender Identity

Classifying as a gender has become a social norm. More than we know, children aren’t born with a direct gender, but it’s the pressure of society that makes us decide what someone should be, rather than growing up and deciding themselves when they are ready. I don’t think there is a “normal” anymore to be honest. So why do we get to pick on a guy who feels he relates better to girls, or a girl who relates better to the boys? At the end of the day, we aren’t living equally letting one another live their individual lives.

Sexual Orientation

This topic is probably the touchiest, along side the BLM movement, and this one I relate to. Growing up, I’ve had a plenty of friends and family come out of the closet. I’ve never felt it was my place to judge nor belittle. I also am LDS, and have my strong values in the church. More often than I’d like I’ve been asked, “How can you have both?” The answer is the same, and it’s easy: the God that I believe in put us here to live our lives, individually, and to love each other, unconditionally. So at the end of the day, let my brother or sister live their damn life, without prejudice or judgment, OR interference from others and myself. If it truly is wrong, then whatever higher power you believe in will take care of that when the time comes. Not you or I.

So, yes, I do support such bill being passed. It’s the 21st century now. Pretty soon we will look back and think how ridiculous and bigoted we looked, just like many do now for the MLK era. Keep in mind, that these opinions and views are solely mine, and not The Review’s, or UVU’s, and if you feel any objection, I’m open-minded and peaceful enough to hear others sides.

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