Orem City Council candidate talks to UVU students about upcoming election
“There are many things that affect their everyday lives, things like affordable housing and zoning rights, bikeability and the sustainability of a city. It’s something that matters to a new voter or someone who just turned 18, because these are the people that are going to be living in the city the longest.

Orem City Council candidate Nichelle Jensen visited UVU in an effort to promote voter awareness and engagement in the upcoming local elections. In-person early voting began on Tuesday, Oct. 22, with the general election to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
While finding Orem residents among the crowds of students was not easy, Jensen was happy to talk to many interested voters while on campus on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
“It’s nice to see young people are interested,” said Jensen. “I’m already engaged in what’s going on locally, on a state level, on a national level. I’m really passionate about trying to relieve suffering of children. That is what has helped me get involved in causes in my community.”
Part of Jensen’s dialogue with students focused on the impact a single voter can have in a local election.
“They are underestimating how much their vote counts,” said Jensen. “In their precinct there are probably only 50 people voting in the preliminary, and maybe 100 in a general municipal-level election. So, one vote actually does matter. When we are talking about tens of votes, one vote matters.”
“There are many things that affect their everyday lives — things like affordable housing and zoning rights, [feasibility of biking] and the sustainability of a city,” said Jensen. “It’s something that matters to a new voter or someone who just turned 18, because these are the people that are going to be living in the city the longest.”
Jensen, an Orem resident, is a BYU graduate who has lived in Utah for over 20 years. She moved to Orem in order to accept a position to plan free community events for The Orchard at University Place.
“That’s what I’m passionate about and that’s how I was made aware of the seat opening on the council,” said Jensen. “It just kind of felt like the next step.”
In addition to her work as an events planner, Jensen has worked with multiple charitable organizations aimed towards aiding children, including The International Rescue Committee and Wings of Hope.
Interested voters can visit orem.org/elections/ for more information on the upcoming elections.