UVU Aviation Tour

Last week I went and visited the UVU Aviation Hanger at Provo Airport. From what I gather, a good majority of students on the main campus (even the involved ones) have no idea what the aviation program is, and have never even been there. I was very impressed with the state-of-the-art equipment they had and the caliber of staff running the program. Some of the coolest stuff there included:
– A brand new, state-of-the-art facility
– Dozens of cool planes students actually fly
– 2 RED cameras and a robotic arm that you pre-program to get the shot you want
– Apple products everywhere! (I’m an open Apple fanboy)
Apparently, we have one of the best aviation programs in the country and even offer online classes (not sure how that works exactly..). One of the downsides to aviation is the cost. One of the students there told me that on top of UVU’s normal tuition, they usually spend around $8,000 extra to get certified in their desired emphasis.
One of the coolest parts about the UVU hanger is the fact that they hold events inside the hanger every so often. From what I understand,tThe Student Alumni Association will be holding a Gatsby themed party there the week after spring break. I’m not a big party/dance guy but I think it’ll be good for bringing more awareness and students down there.
So, moral of the story. Aviation is awesome. Go down to the Provo Airport any time and ask for a tour, they’ll be more than happy to give one to a fellow Wolverine.
***This post was written by UVU marketing student, Blake McClary. You may find similar posts on his personal blog, www.blakemcclary.com.***