Male students compete for Mr. UVU title

Traditional pageant season has ended, which means it’s the perfect time for outstanding UVU men to break out of the woodwork.
Outstandingly brave men, that is. Mr. UVU 2012: “I’m Sexy and I Know It,” is set for Friday, April 6 at 7 p.m. in the Ragan Theatre. Although the pageant will feature the standard swimwear, talent and evening wear portions for the 11 competing students, the purpose of the event does not follow in Miss UVU’s footsteps.
“Mr. UVU is a mock pageant,” said Samantha Frei, 19-year-old special events chair in UVUSA. “It’s up to the contestants how they want to take it.”
Judging from previous Mr. UVU pageants dating back to 1989, the contestants will most likely shun all pretense and embrace the casual atmosphere of the competition, albeit still trying to earn the cash prizes available for the top three winners.
The only stipulations for the event require that competitors be current students. The past GPA requirement of 2.5 has been waived. Frei said she thinks everyone should have a chance to compete.
Steen Hatch, a 24-year-old psychology major from Durham, NC, first caught wind of the pageant two years ago. Hatch helped his friend, a contestant, perform a water ballet for his talent. Although his friend didn’t win, the allure of becoming Mr. UVU stayed with Hatch.
When asked about any reservations he harbored in regard to competing, Hatch assuredly responded that he had none, confident that his “self-esteem is high enough to take it.” Hatch also added that, at the orientation meeting, he didn’t see anyone he would “go head-to-head with.”
Aplomb aside, Hatch is looking forward to sharing the stage with worthy rivals.
“From what I saw, a great group of guys are competing.”
The first, second and third place winners will take home a $500, $300 and $100 cash prize, respectively.