A handful of UVU's composting worms

UVU Compost & Soils Program: How 4 Million Worms Can Mitigate Costs and Help the Environment 


October 24, 2024

schedule 4 min read

Through agricultural bio-technology innovation and industry standard practices, Tyler Hacking aims to redefine how we perceive recycling and sustainability.  When most people think of recycling or sustainability, worms are not typically the first thing that comes to mind. However, a population of about 4 million worms plays an integral part in Tyler Hacking’s effort to […]

S-STEM scholarship for research


March 15, 2022

schedule 4 min read

Calling all freshman and sophomores: applications are open for Utah Valley University’s Biology S-STEM Scholarship program. This program is an extension of the National Science Foundation’s “Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program” and provides a full tuition scholarship to successful applicants in STEM, in exchange for their participation in guided research with a […]

National Science Foundation gives UVU Biology Department $1 million grant


January 27, 2020

schedule 4 min read

As a shortage of well-educated STEM workers in the US threatens the nation’s competitiveness in the global economy, the National Science Foundation (NSF) is researching ways to increase retention and graduation rates of STEM majors.  The million dollar grant from the NSF’s S-STEM program will give 31 students a full-tuition scholarship for up to 6 […]


Animal care facility raises concerns


April 16, 2012

schedule 4 min read

The animal care facility in the new science building is under the microscope. Filling the need of a growing campus just got a whole lot easier. Auditoriums, classrooms and offices were in short supply on campus. The facility contains two holding rooms, a procedure room   and is a portal for future animal research at […]

Your education might be your last hope


April 16, 2012

schedule 7 min read

I have a friend who was told by a prospective employer that she would not get the job because she is not a Mormon.   I have another friend who published an article examining her personal experience with racism in the course of her education. She got more than a few angry replies. One man […]