UVU Mythbusters: Chocolates, condoms and cars

schedule 4 min read

Are the Student Health Services still handing out condoms


By Alex Sousa




For those looking to “rock the casbah,” some students are wondering if they can still pick up condoms on UVU’s dime.

FACT: Yes, the Student Health Services on campus have condoms available for students.

About a year ago, controversy brewed when the Student Health Services pulled the safe-sex service. Formerly, condoms were kept in an open container for students to take at their discretion, but that practice stopped and they cited multiple reasons for removing the complimentary prophylactics.

“Some students were coming and taking too many,” said an employee at the Student Health Services. “We were finding them everywhere.”

Other statements from the Student Health Services said the budget no longer supported the practice, not enough students were using them to justify it and the open container was a risk for passing sickness because it was hard to clean.

However, the complimentary love gloves are back, though the loving bowlful that used to be available is gone, and the condoms are only available by request at the front desk to help regulate distribution and to help avoid the accidental passing of sickness.

While the days of grabbing condoms by the fistful are over, students are welcome to ask for “some condoms,” and the employees will be happy to help.


Is there free chocolate in the Women’s Success Center


By Nicole Shepard

Assistant News Editor



Word on campus says that the ladies of UVU can get free chocolate on campus if they know where to look.

FACT: UVU’s Women’s Success Center, located on the third floor of the Losse Center, offers free chocolate to all women on campus.

“All you have to do is agree to check out our website,” said a Women’s Success Center employee after handing over a chocolate bar.

The Women’s Success Center provides the women of UVU with a lot more than just chocolate; they offer success counseling, advocacy, scholarships, leadership opportunities and access to community and campus resources.

The Women’s Success Center prides itself on providing a comfortable and inspiring environment to serve UVU. Women from all walks of life are encouraged to come and meet with the Center’s workers to see how they can help you.

There are no stipulations to field of study, goals, class standing, age or family status, since.


Does the UVU Automotive Technology Department fix students’ cars


By Josh Martinez




Word on the street is that UVU students may be able to get their cars fixed by students in the Sparks Automotive building.

FACT: “Yes they do,” said Todd Low, associate professor of automotive technology,. “But there are stipulations.”

Depending on the type of work and amount of time, students are required to pay a lab fee for automotive services. Students also have to pay for auto parts, but not labor.

Students must also be willing to leave their cars for a longer amount of time since what is wrong with the car will determine when it will be worked on.  If a student has an issue with their brakes, the car cannot be worked on until automotive students are in the brakes section of study.

Myth - Connor Allen-webA guarantee that the car will be fixed if anything should go wrong after automotive students have completed work is another difference between UVU automotive students and a mechanic.

However, automotive students don’t work on any major rebuilds or other large projects. According to Low, the best time to bring in a car is at the beginning of the semester.