FrontRunner causes changes to bus routes
Reading Time: 2 minutes FrontRunner causes drastic change to all bus routes in Utah County
After years of negotiation with Provo City, FrontRunner service from Provo to Ogden is scheduled for completion on Dec. 10, and the new transportation system will be open for public use. Though the FrontRunner service is considered a much-needed addition to the public transportation system, for current bus and TRAX systems, there are lot of changes drivers and passengers will need to adjust to.
In Utah County alone, 17 of the routes are changing or are being cancelled completely.
“The whole system is being rerouted and the interface [of the public transportation system] has been changed," said Matthew Taylor, Provo City’s Municipal Council Executive Director.
Gerald Carpenter, Senior Media Relations Specialist for UTA, said the changes are a direct result of FrontRunner.
"Any time you introduce a major transportation system you have to make sure existing ones work in conjunction," said Carpenter. "If not, it would defeat the point of the new system. We understand that change is very hard and will take some getting used to, but bus service overall will be an improvement . . . There will be better service, carry three times the amount of passengers and have all-day service between Utah and Salt Lake County. “
Most seem positive about the changes, including students.
“It will save a lot of time and money. It should be beneficial for a lot of people," said student Aubrey Hansen. "I work up in Salt Lake, so I will end up taking FrontRunner a lot… [bus route changes] does make it so I need to make another transfer to get home, which is never fun, but it should be worth it.”
Major bus routes used by UVU students will be modified or removed.
Andrew Palica, student, said one of the bus routes he uses now will be eliminated in December.
"It is being replaced with two others. I’m not too worried though . . . since I just take the local buses, I don’t feel it will affect me as much,” said Palica.
Even with the changes, FrontRunner is expected to be a positive change for the community, especially for Orem and Provo.
“This will be a great system for students," Taylor said. "You will be able to ride full circle from UVU to BYU to the mall and back to UVU.”
Kaili Spear is a communications student at UVU with a emphasis in journalism. Contact her at [email protected].