Center for Social Impact sponsors blood drive

ARUP Laboratories held a public blood drive in the Grand Ballroom on Wednesday. According to their website, “ARUP Labs is a non-profit collection center that is… the sole provider for the Huntsman Cancer Institute [and the] University of Utah’s hospitals and clinics.” This blood drive saw thirteen people donate blood over the six-hour time frame.
This specific drive was solely collecting blood, although their collection facilities take platelets as well. There is a continuous need for blood. ARUP Lab’s website states “[a need for] approximately 100 people to donate whole blood every day to keep up with the needs of the hospitals we serve.”
Many people count on the use of donor blood. ARUP’s website explains “Children and adults undergoing bone marrow transplants or suffering from cancer, burns, trauma, surgery, or illness count on ARUP to have an ongoing supply of blood for their treatment.”
For more information about blood drives in the state of Utah, visit To locate a collection center, visit and click here to see if you qualify for donation.
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