The importance of self-love

schedule 3 min read

Have you loved yourself today? February is here, which means Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. As you enjoy the month and the holiday of love, remember that loving who you are is what matters most. Only you are yourself; there is no need to shrink, compromise or change on behalf of others. 

It is easy in February and on Valentine’s Day to focus on your current relationship status. However, it is just as important to remember that all forms of love have a place on February 14th. Everything you love — whether it be friends, family, your significant other or maybe even a pet — is equally important.

Here is what a variety of different Utah Valley University students said when prompted with the question “What do you love most about yourself?” as a way to spread the Valentine’s Day spirit. 

Lexi Price, a junior, said, “I love my ability to connect with people quickly and my love for others.” Human connection is such a beautiful thing. What’s more loving than being understood by someone? 

“I would say my loving heart,” said freshman Bailey Jewkes. Another student, sophomore Hailey Hess, said, “My heart and my empathy.”

Beauty may seem to be defined by societal expectations, but real beauty is much more than that. We have been told through the media that these physical properties are what make us worthy or not of love. According to estimates, about 85% of people worldwide struggle with low self-esteem. Low self-esteem can potentially lead to anxiety or mood disorders.

It is easy to get wrapped up in the thought process that our external features are what make us beautiful. Self-love can lead to better mental health, more motivation, better sleep, and less anxiety.  Remind yourself of all the wonderful, beautiful qualities that are inside you, and appreciate those qualities because they make you shine on the outside. Beauty is the way someone’s face lights up when they talk about something they love. Beauty is the eyes that smile after tears. Beauty is the ability to connect with someone beyond a surface level.

Writer Jorge Luis Borges said, “So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.” The relationship you create with yourself is the relationship you will have forever. You deserve the same kind of love that you give to other people. With that being said, this Valentine’s Day, and every other day after, make sure you love yourself!

About the author

  • Bethany Justice

    Bethany Justice is in her junior year and studying digital marketing.