Excerpts from a Wasted School Year: The road goes ever onward

April 19, 2010

Reading Time: 2 minutes April is here and summer is coming. Anime nerds are shifting from seasonably pale to unseasonably pale. It is a time of transition. The end of a school year always prompts me to reflect on  semesters past. Good understanding of where you’ve been is essential for successfully directing where you want to go. And with […]

Excerpts from a Wasted Love

April 12, 2010

Reading Time: 2 minutes Ah, reader, spring. The sun emerges, the snow melts away, and deadly pollen count becomes an issue again. And spring always gives birth to new love. Ah, love. What better time is there in life than that brief window called love? This crazy romantic interlude, which begins when you’ve met someone you can spend the […]

Top Four Top Fours — Spring break edition!

March 15, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute Well, it’s that time of year again. Students are kicking off and hitting the open road, all in the name of fun, adventure and SPRING BREAK! In that vein, we have a whole new set of special, party-time themed top fours to kick off your equinox action. Here goes, bros! Top Four Casket Color Schemes […]

Haut Quatre Haut Quatres

March 8, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute Un deux trois quatre. Parlez vous francais? Baguette. Haut Quatre Oscar Overlooked Films Underworld: Rise of the Lycans Confessions of a Shopaholic Old Dogs I Love You, Beth Cooper Haut Quatre Ninja Turtles Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo Splinter (pardon, le rat) Haut Quatre Led Zeppelin Albums I II III Zoso Haut Quatre Pigeon French Phrases “je […]