Unfortunate Trend

February 22, 2011

Reading Time: 3 minutes The deadline to apply to run for student body government has come and gone. During a time when the campaigns begin to take off, those running are refocusing their direction, as there is only one team that will be on the ballot for the Executive Council this year. While even on the city government level […]

Shallowness is in your blood

February 14, 2011

Reading Time: 3 minutes Everyone has their type; people that possess particular traits that draw one person to another. However, some people wonder if they have control over who they are attracted and whether attraction is really more primitive and animalistic than most would like to believe. When asked about what attracts a woman to a man, woman will […]

‘Chinese Lessons’ for UVU

January 31, 2011

Reading Time: < 1 minute During his time at Nanjing University in 1982, John Pomfret had the opportunity to see China in a way that few were able to at that time, as he was one of the few American students allowed to study at the university. Pomfret, Washington Post reporter, wrote about his experiences in China after the cultural […]

Be Curious

January 18, 2011

Reading Time: 3 minutes Standing in front of Centre Stage holding the microphone firmly in her hand, her turquoise earings, a piece of her culture, dangling to her shoulders, Billie Atsitty told her story. Visibly rising taller and standing straighter, Atsitty spoke in her native tongue, as she described her heritage. Atsitty is a full-blooded Navajo, of the Sleeping […]