UVSC Contemporary Dance Ensemble performs “Resilire”
Reading Time: < 1 minuteComing soon: an opportunity to see a dance program recently presented in New York City
Members of UVSC’s contemporary dance ensemble under the direction of Professor Doris Trujillo will perform her original choreographic work "Resilire," during the second week of November.
"Resilire" is "a study in impulse, propagation and reaction […] played against a dissonant, angst-ridden score," and possesses a "darker energy," according to Karen Anne Web of Salt Shaker Magazine.
The piece was recently performed at the American Dance Guild 51st Performance Festival, held at the Hudson Guild Theater in New York City in September. It was selected for the festival through a review process by the American Dance Guild. Seven dance students from the contemporary dance ensemble accompanied Trujillo to New York in September to perform the piece. Thirty-four other dance troupes from the United States, Canada and Europe participated in the event.
"This opportunity fulfilled the objective of our president’s community of engaged learning initiative," Trujillo said. "The students were able to experience workshops from master teachers, view current works of internationally acclaimed choreographers and perform in a professional setting. It was a very significant learning experience."
"Resilire" will be performed at the contemporary dance ensemble’s concert, Nov. 8-10, nightly at 7:30 in the Ragan Theater. Tickets may be acquired at Campus Connection, or by contacting (801) 863-8797.
The contemporary dance ensemble is a pre-professional modern dance program, and a relatively new addition to UVSC. The dancers performing "Resilire" are: Wilson Domingues of Portugal, Rebecca Scott, Kari Jo Phillips, Laura Ward, Lindsee Togerson, Shanna Blackburn and Kelsey Birch, all from Utah.