Jack Attack: Bookstore bloviation


October 12, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Dear self-appointed spokesman of the café area at the bookstore: stop it. Yes, we can hear you. No, we are not impressed. We really do not care that you want to talk loudly and apparently persuasive about the goings-on in whichever country you are an expert on and how it all ties in with the […]

Sexy costumes: Trick or treat?


October 12, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Halloween is a few weeks away and you’ve begun to search frantically for a costume. You dig through the attic and find that Cinderella dress you wore in second grade; it should be obvious that this outfit will no longer fit. Don’t leave the attic yet, though – you could probably safely get away with […]

Staying after class?


October 12, 2009

schedule 4 min read

For someone who will be referred to as Karen for the sake of anonymity, dating her professor just sort of happened. “At the end of the semester, he suggested we get together and have dinner,” Karen said. “I thought he meant a group of students, but when I showed up he was the only one […]

Life without Facebook


October 12, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Remember the days of telephone calls, conversation over coffee and thoughtful compliments? I don’t either, but am discovering the lost joy in actual human interaction. Two weeks ago I deleted my Facebook profile. After much deliberation, I realized that the social networking site was not connecting me to people, as it promises on its log-in, […]



October 12, 2009

schedule 8 min read

Events Calendar Oct. 12 – 18 Editors pick of the week:  If you are looking for something fun to do over Fall Break, check out Cornbelly’s Corn Maze at Thanksgiving Point.  The maze will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. during Fall Break.  Prices range from $10.95 to $15.95.  For more information call […]

Critique of the week – Joe’s Café


October 12, 2009

schedule 3 min read

It’s official. I’ve found my new favorite restaurant, though I don’t feel it’s fair for me to call Joe’s Café a mere restaurant; this place is something all its own. Joe’s is a spot you recommend to friends and family visiting from out of town, a place destined to become one of those local legends […]

Wolverines cruise at home


October 12, 2009

schedule 2 min read

The lady Wolverines got another three wins at home Oct. 1, 2 and 5 competing against North Dakota, South Dakota and Boise State. “I can’t say enough as far as how the girls are playing right now. They are learning and getting better and sticking to the plan as far as our execution,” said coach […]

The two threads of science and creativity


October 12, 2009

schedule 4 min read

Some may be curious as to where a name like Warp and Weave originated from, though it is quite a fitting name for the English department-sponsored publication. Just as science fiction and fantasy can be woven together to create an intriguing tale, weavers would weave together the warp, or the lengthwise threads of fabric, with […]

Ingredients of a perfect date


October 12, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Picking the activity for a date is a situation full of questions. Where to go? What to do? What do you say? What would your date enjoy? What would you enjoy? What will your date think of you after this? The answers to these questions are vital to your future with this person, if you […]

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