Utah Valley Artists Absent at SLC Tattoo Convention

March 2, 2009

Reading Time: 3 minutes During the weekend of February 13- 15, Salt Lake City hosted its annual International Tattoo convention. The Salt Palace room buzzed like a nest of metal hornets as the artists set to work with their machines. Hundreds of people milled about to take in the myriad artist’s styles and original arts and crafts, and to get in line for a tattoo or piercing.

Thrift Store Shopping Tips

February 23, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Shopping at thrift stores may begin as a necessity, but after time and practice it develops into an art form. After enough good finds at great prices, it becomes a hobby, a leisure activity to be enjoyed and savored. There are methods of finding little treasures- and sometimes big ones.

Student benefits gained from volunteer service

February 2, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hundreds of students walk right past SC101 every day without a second glance. Others are familiar with the programs offered there, and many have helped our community by participating in the blood drives and food drives they regularly organize. But there are few students who have taken advantage of the volunteer opportunities that can help their degrees.

Utah: Greatest Snow, Worst Air

February 2, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s getting harder to breathe out there. In fact, for the past week, if you have athsma or any other respiratory or related heath issues, you might have wanted to forget about going outside altogether. Especially now that Utah has been given the uninspiring title to the worst air quality in the U.

The Junk-Health Food Trend

January 12, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Growing up, we’ve all been told constantly, “too much sugar/fat/salt is bad for you.” But somewhere along the way, most of us stopped paying attention to every new warning because it seemed everything that tasted good was bad for some reason or another. The message resembled some of the claims from the various religions of our upbringing about the nature of sex; it was almost all bad.

Taking the edge off holiday stress

December 8, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes This holiday season promises to be the toughest for many families. Hundreds of thousands lost jobs in November, still more have had hours cut and responsibilities added. Living in a culture, which praises economic status as a measure of success, responsibility, and prestige puts a lot of pressure on people even when times aren’t as tough.