Stress reduction in preparation for finals week 


April 8, 2024

schedule 4 min read

Follow these important tips to make the finals week experience more positive with less overall stress.  It’s that time of the semester again! Whether it is your first finals week or last finals week experience, there are a lot of strategies that individuals can put into practice today to ensure that this week goes as […]

Using stress management to survive finals 


November 28, 2023

schedule 4 min read

Stress management skills may just revolutionize student’s approach to finals this semester. Learn some essential tips on managing stress during the end of the semester!  Stress management is a skill that many need, but it is not a widely taught skill in schools. Stress managment classes are rarely taught in high schools.  Stress management is […]

An unidentifiable man covers his face with his hands.

How stress affects our well-being


April 19, 2023

schedule 3 min read

Whether a result of school assignments, work deadlines or personal problems, stress is a common part of everyday life. However, while some stress can be beneficial, chronic or excessive stress may have negative effects on your well-being.

Three ways to take control of your stress this semester


January 7, 2018

schedule 3 min read

UVU students enjoy a yoga class available in the Student Life and Wellness Center on campus. Photo courtesy of August Miller, UVU Marketing Stress is an inevitable part of the college experience. Whether this is the first semester or the last, stress can be managed and even used to students advantage, if approached correctly. Change your perception In […]