The UVU Review
1. Welcome new Athletic Director, Jared Sumsion!
2. Also welcome new head women’s basketball coach, Dan Nielson!
3. Baseball team winning final home game 20-13 against PAC-12 opponent WSU. They have 3 games remaining at UTRGV and then a potential spot in the WAC tournament down in Arizona.
The Willy Awards
1. The Big Man on Campus Award: Demetrius Romero, First Big 12 Champion
2. The Play of the Year: Preston Burbidge, UVU Lacrosse complete fire
3. The Politically Correct Award to Describe The Best Female Athlete (PCADBFA Award): Kazna Tarawhiti, WAC Freshman of the Year (Volleyball), lead the league in kills and points as a true freshman
4. The Bleeds Green Team Award: UVU Wrestling, honorable mention: Men’s basketball, UVU track
5. The Coaching In-Style Award: Greg Maas, UVU Men’s Soccer
6. Pure In Speech Award: Tanner Heath, 0 Swears – Runner up, Creer (1 Swear)
7. The Nucc Award (most swears): Creer (1 Swear) – even Ty “The Nucc” didn’t swear on air.
8. The FOMO Award: Ethan Young, speaking a few times and just needing to shut up.
9. Team Spirit Award: Our person, Willy the Wolverine
10. Most Improved Team: Women’s Basketball Team
Bonus Award- Bag Collector of the Year: Mark Pope securing buyout money from his departure from BYU as well as a new, undisclosed contract from BYU as they are a private institution
Host: Andrew Creer
Co Host: Tanner Heath
Production, Editing, and Mixing by: Ethan Young
Logos Designed By: Thomas Willis
(Original Air Date: 05/17/19)