Battles in the park

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: 3 minutes “A lot of the preparation is a mental thing. I have to just stop and get mentally ready for it and get excited, and that’s a daily thing,” Kelik says. Kelik, who is dressed as a medieval squire, is telling me about his preparation process for battle. The battle he refers to is known as Battleguard (not to be confused with LARP), and is held every Thursday night at North Park in Provo.

Adventures in Guilty Pleasure

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Defending a hipster band is a dangerous minefield to navigate. In so doing, I run the risk of looking like a member of the most useless and un-sub subculture since, well, ever. Not only that, but one who is ignorant of one of the cardinal tenets of her kind’s unspoken credo: Thou shalt, with scorn and contempt and overpriced coffee drink in hand, harshly dismiss with a wave of thy many-braceleted wrist every band that is pigeonholed as thy belonging.

Unsolicited dating advice

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: 3 minutes “I’m in the friend zone.” These are five of the most loathed words to pass by the lips of singles in Utah Valley. If you are new to the term, “friend zone” refers to the point in a relationship where the woman no longer sees the man as a potential suitor, but only views him as a friend (or vice versa).

I can has web dominashun?

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Oh hai, howz u doin? Has u herd bout teh web siet calld wif picturez ov kats wif capshuns? In case you didn’t catch that, have you heard about the Web site called, with pictures of cats with captions? If you haven’t heard about it, or seen random pictures forwarded in emails or posted to blogs or Facebook, then you must never go online.

There’s no business like show business

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes As fall begins and the monotony of school sets in, it is time to spice things up and attend a live show at the SCERA in Orem. The 2009-2010 Season is filled with shows to make you laugh, cry and truly fall in love with the performing arts. This season kicks off with Into the Woods, a witty and family-friendly musical written by Stephen Sondheim.

A full-size adventure for a pint-size price

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Let me start by saying that Shadow Complex is exactly the kind of game that showcases the strengths of the Xbox 360’s increasingly impressive online services. It joins a rare cadre of download-only titles like Braid, Portal, the Pixeljunk series and World of Goo that can go toe-to-toe with even the major releases and, occasionally, come out on top.

Hear it live: We Shot The Moon

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Sometimes, a song comes along that makes you want to hear it live. This is definitely the case with the music of We Shot The Moon, a San Diego-based indie piano rock group that will be performing Sept. 14 at Velour. It’s natural to compare their music to that of Jack’s Mannequin, but the sound is more upbeat and danceable.

The Obama indoctrination

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes On Sept. 8, President Obama gave a speech before the nation’s K-12 public school students to ring in the new school year on a high note. Or at least he spoke before most of them. You see, some people didn’t think schoolchildren should hear the president speak – after all, he is a pinko-commie-socialist community organizer and these innocent minds should not have to be unwittingly subjected to the political indoctrination of The Party.

‘Equality Utah’ Should Not Support Anti-Discrimination Laws

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes A Salt Lake City anti-discrimination ordinance carried little or no controversy until the possibility of homosexuals being protected was proposed. Equality Utah (a gay rights advocacy group) and others on the left are pushing for the proposal to include homosexuals, while conservatives such as Gov.

Letter to the editor

September 14, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Dear Editor, I am a deaf UVU student. I read a recent article titled “Plight of Utah’s deaf students.” Thank you for supporting the deaf here; we have a lot of oppression and it’s nice to be noticed. I believe students need to be exposed to all cultures because there are so many different kinds and we need to respect them all.