UVUSA meets to train new department representatives


October 13, 2021

schedule 3 min read

Members of the UVUSA met early Tuesday morning in the UVUSA Council Chamber to introduce several new department representatives into the Student Senate. Ethan Morse, who is the vice president of the senate, started the meeting off by greeting the new representatives and saying what it meant to him to be in UVUSA. “We get […]

Protestors make demands at debate


March 12, 2012

schedule 2 min read

Though election time has come to a close, it will be a race that will be remembered not only because of the candidates, but also because of the protestors.   During the 2012 UVUSA elections debate on March 6, the Revolutionary Student Union exercised their freedom to protest and be heard.   With signs like […]

Candidates discuss penalties, infractions and greivances


March 5, 2012

schedule 2 min read

To err is human – especially in a complex endeavor like campaigning for office.   All three teams running in this year’s elections for student government have been accused of violating the campaign guidelines set by UVUSA. When a grievance is filed against a team, said team is required to meet with UVUSA’s Elections Committee […]

UVUSA campaign candidate violates election rules


February 20, 2012

schedule 4 min read

In any political campaign, like the student government elections, getting your name out is essential. So essential, in fact, that in order to level the playing field, rules exist as part of the student government bylaws to dictate when and how parties can spread the word about their campaign.   Unfortunately one incumbent team vying […]

Sweet sounds of UVenue first show


September 20, 2011

schedule 3 min read

At the first UVenue event student artists shared their talents and competed for a $50 prize   As the sun set, light pulled at the color of the balloons decorating the quad, the air filled with all kinds of music, ranging from acoustic guitar and keyboard to the mountain dulcimer. At UVenue, the newly reformed […]

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