Grateful and optimistic: Semester recap from the Health and Wellness section
Reading Time: 2 minutes While The UVU Review has grown to new heights this year, the Health and Wellness section has also made incredible changes. What other changes will be coming in the future?
Dear reader,
What an amazing journey this semester has been in Health and Wellness! We have had the opportunity to write and research topics ranging from inflation and egg prices to addressing mental burnout and assessing the student impact of “Expedition Reclamation.”
It has been a wonderful adventure, and we hope that you have gained valuable and memorable insights from our publications.
In last semester’s farewell, we promised you several things. First of all, I promised you a dedicated polling and feedback system. Since then we have included contact information in all of our newspapers by which may submit your ideas and concerns.
Second, we promised the introduction of a new comic section. In lieu of this, the Health and Wellness section has started a crossword puzzle in every print edition, sourcing its answers from articles published in the section. However, a comic section is not out of the works; this semester, The Review has increased its number of graphic designers and is continually improving on graphic integration within its publications.
Third, we promised a volunteer column. Coming fall 2023, The UVU Review will be publishing more pages in its newspaper to feature an opinion-editorial section filled with submissions from students and readers like you!
In addition to these improvements, the Health and Wellness section has been busy piloting other changes this semester. We increased our monthly article publication from 12 articles to 16 articles. We changed our workflow management system to better report upcoming events. We have raised our standards for quality and have achieved new viewership records.
Don’t believe me? Let me share some statistics with you. According to statistics mined from our website,, 2023 saw more website visitors in its first quarter than the entire year of 2022. Of these website visitors, the average view-per-visitor has increased by one article per person. This means that more people are visiting our website, and more people are reading more.
Additionally, the Health and Wellness section has seen four of its five all-time most popular articles published this semester. These visitors are you, our generous readers, and because of you, we have made great progress. We don’t plan on stopping any time soon.
Thank you for your continued viewership and support. It is for you that we continuously strive to improve, and it is from you that we receive the viewership and input that keeps us growing.
Although The Review takes a break during the summer semester, we look forward to serving you in the fall when we meet again. Please come prepared with your ideas, suggestions, and stories. We will be more ready and willing than ever to hear your thoughts and raise your voice!
The Health and Wellness Section