Fifty shades of freedom


April 27, 2015

schedule 4 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   They say that everything comes full circle. Many people find themselves right back where they began in issues of life, jobs, friendships and love. The on and off again relationship with my old boyfriend, whom I had become habitually dependent on, left me wondering— Will the circle be unbroken? How many […]

What happens over spring break…


April 27, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   With spring break coming up I figured it was a good time to bring up all the awful spring break hook-ups I’ve had in my lifetime and what I had learned from them. But when I stopped to think about it I realized I had never had a spring break […]

For the love of the game


April 24, 2015

schedule 4 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   On the basketball court, a rebound is where a player is able to apprehend the ball after it has bounced off the backboard or after LeBron misses his free throws in the fourth quarter. In life, a rebound is the relationship or hookup you jump right into after a breakup. […]

The one that got away


March 30, 2015

schedule 5 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   If there is one thing more romanticized than the idea of love, it is the idea of love lost. Sir Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote that, “Tis better to have loved than lost than never to have loved at all.” I sort of feel like that’s bullshit, but that is just […]

Planned Parenthood crash course


March 9, 2015

schedule 4 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   “I have chlamydia.” As I heard the words on the other end of the phone line my mind wandered and I realized I hadn’t said anything for a few seconds. “Hello?” “Yeah, I’m here. Yeah, I’m just taking this in. Who did you get this from? Why are you even telling me? […]

Of models and murderers


March 2, 2015

schedule 4 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   It’s possible that I’m the only person who feels like models are one of the most difficult and frustrating types of human beings in the world, but something tells me I’m not alone. One of the biggest turn-offs for me is when a guy tells me that he is a […]

A ‘Walk of Shame’ to remember


February 25, 2015

schedule 5 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   One of the more awkward situations humans face in today’s culture is “the morning after” or “the walk of shame.” Translation: you just had sex and now you have to either face the person the next morning or walk through town in last night’s dress. Just the name is cringe-worthy: […]

Do as I say, not as I do


February 19, 2015

schedule 4 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   There are a few guidelines of dos and don’ts that you are supposed to follow after a break-up. One of those guidelines is to keep a clean break between you and your ex, because if you are seeing them constantly, it will just stir up unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings. Apparently, I didn’t think […]

The status of your love life


February 12, 2015

schedule 4 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   When it comes to being single, there are a number of things that start to bother you that you may have never noticed before. One of these is the incessant need for people to post pictures of their “happy” marriages or “perfect” relationships for the world to see. I don’t sound the […]

A single life


February 4, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne   Newly single Lipstick Lola plans to redefine being single in Utah County.   Like most relationships worth beginning, mine started with a spark, a chance encounter that set into motion a sequence of events that could rival a Nicholas Sparks novel. Like most relationships worth continuing, it progressed with a sizzle. The […]

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