What happens over spring break…

Illustration by: Ashley Fairbourne
With spring break coming up I figured it was a good time to bring up all the awful spring break hook-ups I’ve had in my lifetime and what I had learned from them. But when I stopped to think about it I realized I had never had a spring break hook-up before. The concept wasn’t foreign to me but the deed itself was.
Because of this, I had to enlist the help of my amazing girlfriend Cinnamon. Cinnamon has experience, I’ll tell you that much. Everyone should listen to Cinnamon.
She and I headed to breakfast this morning so that I could bring up the topic of spring break hook-ups over some french toast. Just your typical breakfast conversation.
Cinnamon had plenty of spring break extravaganzas in her life time. As we went over them I continued asking for more information so that I could find something worth writing about. Though the stories came in abundance, none of them were anything too special. I continued to pry.
“Well,” her voice changed to a sort of growling whisper, “did I ever tell you about Number 19?”
Immediately I was interested.
Just this past year Cinnamon had gone out with a small group of girlfriends (I wasn’t invited and trust me I let her know I was upset) to celebrate spring break at a resort in Las Vegas. Her friends decided to meet up with a bunch of boys they knew from UVU that were at the same place and they decided to meet up with some more friends at a club.
Cinnamon went along and met this guy who was cute and flirty so naturally, in Cinnamon’s world, they slept together.
“That was quick,” I said.
She shrugged, “Tequila.”
She didn’t care if it was fast because she would clearly never see the guy again and she’d basically forgotten about it a week later.
Fast-forward a few weeks and guess who Cinnamon sees walking down the hallway in the hallowed halls of UVU. None other than the shameful one night stand she’d had and he’s wearing a UVU Men’s Basketball hoodie.
“He was on the team!” I can barely contain my excitement, “He was number 19? I’m totally going to find out who it was.”
“No, I don’t know what his number was,” Cinnamon said, “he got that name because of something else.”
Apparently what happens in Vegas follows you back to UVU. I guess because it was all so serendipitous they exchanged numbers. In life, people have a handful of different numbers that represent who they are; a phone number, a jersey number, an age…
“He was 19 years old!”
“Just barely,” Cinnamon corrects me, “I’m basically six years older than him.”
Needless to say, they fell out of touch.
So this spring break make sure to have fun but, before you have too much fun, run a little background check. Ask for a driver’s license. Figure out where they go to school. Request for a detailed family history so that you can know for sure you aren’t related.
Because you never really know who you’ll end up seeing in the hallways of UVU after spring break is over.