Atmosphere in Salt Lake City


October 29, 2007

schedule 2 min read

The underground urban hip-hop group Atmosphere stopped in Salt Lake City on October 11 and rocked the nightclub In The Venue. They pleased a receptive crowd until the late hours of the night after a handful of opening acts warmed the up the stage for the Minnesota natives. It’s not very often a hip hop […]

Into the great wide open


October 29, 2007

schedule 2 min read

Now playing the Student Center’s Ragan Theater is professor John Graham’s simply entertaining rendition of Eugene O’Neill’s classic comedy Ah, Wilderness.Ah, Wilderness is the projection of experiences O’Neill wished would’ve taken place in the earlier years of his life-his first love, family conflicts and experiments with rebellion-through the eyes of the lead character, Richard Miller.

A disturbing trend


October 29, 2007

schedule 2 min read

Lately, there has been a noticeable inclination in the minds of fresh young college students when concerning literature: they are sticking to what’s familiar. It seems that most students can fit into one of three categories: there are those who read only religious compositions, those who read so-called "intellectual" or classical literature, and those who […]

The Directors Series:


October 29, 2007

schedule 2 min read

Imagine successfully working with your sibling. Now imagine two siblings whose collaborative efforts rank them among the foremost directors of independent filmmaking. Meet Joel and Ethan Coen. Happening upon the Coens’ films is comparable to finding $10 in an old pair of jeans, or discovering residual Halloween candy that sneaked under the couch while you […]

Royal Palace hosts open mic show


October 29, 2007

schedule 3 min read

Every first Thursday of the month at the Royal Palace Theater in Spanish Fork (located at 165 N Main St) the "BluesJam" rocks the house. Local blues artists play for a couple hours. And it doesn’t disappoint. The BluesJam has been jamming since December ’99, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. The artists […]

Rocking out for a cause


October 29, 2007

schedule 3 min read

To support the Wheelchair Foundation, a group of local college students held their sixth "Rock the Block" benefit concert and dance party Friday, Sept. 28 in the Reams’s parking lot on University Parkway. DJs Kendall and FUJ donated their time and talents spinning on the main stage to pack the spacious venue, while a slideshow […]

Rail knobs and sick tricks


October 29, 2007

schedule 2 min read

Have you ever noticed the round knobs that have been welded at regular intervals on the exterior handrails next to stairways across campus? The knobs discourage skateboarders and roller bladers from using the handrails for performing tricks. So where can one lock a sick grind without getting a swellbow? Two skateparks located within five miles […]

Modern play at Hale Center Theater


October 29, 2007

schedule 2 min read

Thoroughly Modern Millie has opened with a bang at the Hale Center Theater in Orem. The small theater, reminiscent of off-off-Broadway, has packed in show-goers for the company’s 137 production. The venue provides an intimate setting and showcases a pleasantly surprising montage of local talent. The cozy scene, complete with exposed brick walls and a […]

A crash course in faith


October 29, 2007

schedule 2 min read

New Play Group, a fledgling theater troupe based in Provo, produced a quartet of short plays exploring how faith is created and how it is tested, according to a recent press release. "This is one of my favorite productions of the year," said James Goldberg, artistic director. "We feel it’s important for LDS playwrights to […]

Michael Clayton


October 22, 2007

schedule 1 min read

A good story can go a long way. Exhibit A: Michael Clayton. Often, filmmakers mistakenly assume that special effects can compensate for a poor story. Heresy. Exhibit B: D-War.Michael Clayton has few noticeable special effects and is still exceptional entertainment, thanks to its story’s quality. If it’s not evident by the aforementioned exhibits, Michael Clayton […]