The “Travis Bickle” date movie

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Based on an innocent 1972 film by the same name, the Farrelly brothers’s remake of The Heartbreak Kid twists its ideal premise (meeting Miss Right after marrying Miss Wrong) into sordid, romantic comedy squalor. Something terribly upsetting is happening with so-called romantic comedies these days. They have degenerated, like inbred anteaters, into grotesqueries such as […]

Undying genre revives the undead for Extinction

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Resident Evil: Extinction is the third installment of a video game-gone-movie series; and like the first two releases, it’s a zombie movie. If you haven’t seen either of the previous Resident Evil flicks, think Lara Croft: Tomb Raider meets Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome meets 28 Weeks Later. Now think about what better movies you can […]

The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Adapted from a Ron Hansen novel, Jesse James defies the shoot-’em-up western genre to deliver a biographical drama starring Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck. (Those who seek the gun fighting of a rootin’, tootin’ western will be happier seeing this year’s 3:10 To Yuma.) An oddly quiet and poetic film, Jesse James depicts the downtime […]

We Own the Night

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute If you’ve seen the trailer, you’ve thought, ‘Sweet-another Departed type of movie." But in reality, they made a movie as lame and pointless as its random nothing-to-do-with-the-movie title. We Own the Night feels like a poor, made-for-HBO rip-off of The Departed. The dialogue feels unnatural and cold. The story relies solely upon random coincidence and […]

30 Days of Night

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute This vampire movie put an original twist on the genre by having created a non-stop, month-long, high body count attack on a small Alaskan town in the height of its sun-less winter season.Creatively, you’ll see the big screen vampires in new light (what a bad pun).

Gone Baby Gone

October 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Both of the Affleck brothers have found their niche with Gone Baby Gone, Ben belongs behind the camera and Casey deserves the lead role.Ben Affleck reused his Academy Award winning adaptation skills by writing this touchy screenplay about more than just kidnapped children.

The Smashing Pumpkins persevere

October 8, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Anticipation was high Friday, Sept. 28, at the McKay Events Center. Fans came to find out whether alternative rock pioneers The Smashing Pumpkins could still deliver; and how the death of a fan only a few nights prior in Vancouver would affect the night’s show.

S’more fun close to campus

October 8, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Two graham crackers, a toasted marshmallow, and a small bar of chocolate-these are the ingredients for one of the easiest recipes ever known. The s’more. Simply scrumptious.Have you ever made a s’more? Did you make a s’more this summer? Because time is running out.

Get more sleep, get better grades

October 8, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you’ve been worried about your GPA, sleep on it.According to a recent study through Brown University, as cited in an article titled "Study shows college students in poor sleep pattern" by Jazmine Pendleton, "Seven to eight hours of sleep is the recommended amount that a college student is to have every night, but on average, college students get about six hours per night.