Woodbury’s Art for Life benefit

November 5, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Sandwiched in between mega retail stores Gap and Nordstrom in the University Mall is a most unexpected cultural experience sponsored by UVSC.Many students are unaware of the existence of the off-campus Woodbury Art Museum, home to a multitude of works by professional artists across Utah.

Wii brings classics back

November 5, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes For all those Wii owners, it’s not hard to keep one’s game on when a plethora of old school games are readily available on the Virtual Console (provided one has the funds to buy Wii-points).It’s a blessing to be able to revisit all the games you remember playing as a kid, and have the opportunity to play those not-so-popular gems you might have missed out on.

No, no, no — thank you for your consideration

November 5, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Last year, Al Gore’s global warning, An Inconvenient Truth, stirred a lot of pots.The pinnacle of its eco-friendly warning was at the Academy Awards on Feb. 25, 2007, when the double-award-winning documentary inspired the Academy to make several announcements emphasizing that it was going green.

Cool Beans

November 5, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Why do dumb people always have to ruin something good?In most cases, you’d probably expect me to be referring to money-grubbing Hollywood destroying its originality with mediocre remakes, spin-offs, sequels and rips. But this time I’m talking about the average Joes.

Provo’s Oktoberfest

November 5, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Oktoberfest is usually associated with the traditional festival in Munich, Germany, which lasts for 16 days in late September and early October and is most widely known for the massive amounts of beer consumed during the festivities. But in Provo, the fest took on a whole new meaning at University Villa apartments on Saturday, Oct.

Heartwarming fiction speaks real-life truth

November 5, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Since Lars and the Real Girl is the sweetest movie of the year, Dan in Real Life can safely be called the happiest, feel-good movie of 2007.Remember how the end of Little Miss Sunshine and Hitch brought feelings of self-consciousness, for fear of potential Amélies in the theater looking back at us to see our gleeful, smiling faces?Dan in Real Life has similar good vibrations.

Local holiday film gets nationwide recognition

November 5, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Tonight, Monday, Nov. 5, there will be a free screening of Stalking Santa, the new holiday mockumentary made by all the best local improv comedy actors, in celebration of its anticipated nationwide DVD release on Tuesday.Screenings are being held in Los Angeles and New York City, as well.

Composing with the big dogs

November 5, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes UVSC student Nate Drew is well on his way to fulfilling his dreams. The 27-year-old music major has been chasing his love of music since the age of two, when he began mimicking his mother on the piano.He has studied at UCLA and the University of Utah, and his impressive credentials landed him a weeklong internship with the great James Newton Howard, a composer who has written scores for dozens of huge blockbuster films including The Fugitive, The Sixth Sense and Blood Diamond.

Wes Anderson not Limited at all

October 29, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Several years back, only a small number of self-proclaimed elitists knew writer/director Wes Anderson (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and The Life Aquatiic with  Steve Zissou). Now that networks have been producing mainstream shows (like Arrested Development) that introduce audiences to the same type of "punchline-less," intelligent humor that Anderson has perfected, his audience […]