The labyrinth of UVU’s Web site


October 12, 2009

schedule 3 min read

If you’re like me, when you pull up the UVU Web site on your preferred browser, you are reminded of that ominous drawer in the kitchen full of broken pens, sticky notes, forgotten receipts, eraserless pencils, etc. Whatever you need is probably in there, but your chances of finding it are about the same as […]

Staying after class?


October 12, 2009

schedule 4 min read

For someone who will be referred to as Karen for the sake of anonymity, dating her professor just sort of happened. “At the end of the semester, he suggested we get together and have dinner,” Karen said. “I thought he meant a group of students, but when I showed up he was the only one […]

Wolverines cruise at home


October 12, 2009

schedule 2 min read

The lady Wolverines got another three wins at home Oct. 1, 2 and 5 competing against North Dakota, South Dakota and Boise State. “I can’t say enough as far as how the girls are playing right now. They are learning and getting better and sticking to the plan as far as our execution,” said coach […]

Picking the right costume


October 12, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Answers to costume quandaries What to be or not to be … That is the Halloween question. According to the National Retail Federation, it is estimated that this year, Americans will spend $4.75 billion on celebrating Halloween this year, of which nearly 40 percent will go to costume funds. “Halloween has become the second biggest […]

Stick it to student housing


October 12, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Between classes, work, relationships and extra-curricular activities, students hardly have time to breathe, let alone fight apartment complexes for their rights. Without sufficient time and without legal knowledge, students are often cheated out of what they are legally entitled to. From not fulfilling maintenance requirements to ignoring requests for deposit checks, student housing often takes […]

The trick of the fix


October 6, 2009

schedule 5 min read

“I’ll take a little anxiety and insomnia if it means getting a good grade point average,” Lisa comments matter-of-factly. Lisa, a current Utah Valley University student, sounds similar to the majority of her peers. Who in college hasn’t distressed over deadlines or pulled an all-nighter cramming for that Biology final? What’s different about Lisa’s situation is where her anxiety […]

Allyce Jones digs her way into record books


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

During Thanksgiving break 2006, Allyce Jones received a phone call that changed her volleyball career and brought her to UVU. “It was the best Thanksgiving ever,” said Jones who received the call from UVU women’s volleyball coach Sam Atoa. Prior to UVU, Jones played her freshman season at Snow College. Jones grew up in Pleasant […]

A little too basic


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

When asked to describe his political philosophy, mayoral candidate, Steve Clark keeps it pretty basic. “I’m a conservative Republican. I stand for strong family values, traditional values. I have a great desire to help Provo.” A little too basic. Asking a Republican candidate if he stands for traditional family values is like asking Dracula if […]

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